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What on Earth is Inflation? Posted on: 2006/11/30 9:52
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2819
When half the world is using it and politician use it, to show off about???

Mmmm, seriously now, this is backwards...reason saying this...

Lost electric during work; so why a pre-payment meter..

When speaking to mum, she said when we had the new meter put in, "it was probably set with the current rates"??
Being the said rate of inflation, as according to our politics....
"The price of things must increase over time...?

That is absolute, blatant scamming of our peoples, for the sake of some people playing a game..
As that is all, it really is, we can see that on computer games, you don't waste poor peoples real money, by over charging for goods....Where prices of things may fluctuate depending on availability, yet they don't generally increase in value, over time....

So my question is this, if in our day and age, the cost of living drops, the cost of producing things drops.....

How and why should it be possible, for someone to alter prices of things? Only so they can show off to other countries, about how big their inflation is..Does it prove anything? No it is all Babylon!..

To any Christians, Muslims and any other followers of the Torah, in context...It is only 10% to the state..We now pay an average of 27% to the state, then 10+% to the church also..It gets worse...Hope some others see how stupid this all is, when we now have free sources of electricity..Yet the prices increase, not decrease?...

With the people telling the electric companies to do this, are basically our own governments, so they can show off like in a computer game....

It suggests the world is maybe if we swap back to gurus showing the state, and not sardus telling everyone what to do....

Inflation = Word meaning Politician with a bigger ego

N B with U
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Help creating a better community feel Posted on: 2006/11/28 15:01
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2819
Min. Posts Max. Posts Image Special Ranks
Just popping in 0 25 off
Not too shy to talk 26 55 off
Quite a regular 56 77 off
Just can't stay away 78 352 off
Home away from home 353 777 off
Moderator 778 1000 off
Helper 0 0

This is our current Ranks system, we want to change this to be labeled more to for what do people think to add...

Me think it need more and a better labelling find them intrusive, need some more welcome labels if we have any that add character to the place....make it feel like home for all....

Difrence between a house and home take away matching letter and you have "use me" thats all it takes to make any where sparkle so put input in and it bcomes yours.....

N B with U
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Got a Blog with RSS? Want feed back? Posted on: 2006/11/28 11:12
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2819
Unlike the rest of the web saying come here and stay, we know people don't; we know we don't, we have our sites we surf daily as do you....

So let's think out side the box....

MySpace is ok to find people...yet where can we talk?

Guess not, we are not getting very far....


Blogs came after forum as a single person idea to relate their own ideas....

Many people starting on the net are being introduced to this is your blogs write here?

Yeh lovely! Know one read the thing or it is hidden amongst millions....

So in the process of making your own blogs a success they have capitalized on this fact and you promote the site...

Well when many of our said light workers and spiritual peoples are artist and spirits with a need to be heard...

This is why our system has changed so much to find what the way to do such a

Well we about there and through the help of the developers of the system this site is made of....

One of the best things going on is that of transfer....?

This allows you to transfer any other persons work to another part of the site for further discussion.....

So instead of write a blogs and then if people find you they find your blogs...

This is about us and what can be done to make a better world...together!

So here if you see an article you like, or don't believe is finished you can transfer it to the forum for further missing out all that extra work needed to promote what you are saying to be heard....

The article system also has tags which is has the forum soon and the rest....

Yet point of all this is we just add xmline an RSS system feeder that is very organized and does that same thing of transferring a summary from the blogs, straight into a our forum, articles ect....

So making it that you can be heard more across the if Google sees 2 of things that means it will like it same applies with your blogs title...have it twice...across the net Google is more likely to see it....

So between us my plan is see if we can get lot of people blogs, articles, community post ect that have RSS feeds...let you surf where you go...yet also there be a central us!

That is al I have ever if a kingdom stands divided it will fall...and that applies so much so now we see it in a virtual perspective of internet communication between real people who are isolated with a billion or more people here every day?

Strange isn't it!

The net is alive we are and so if we can get past this hurdle or obstacle of communication then we will bring more then just the net together as we all know...

So any help with this appreciated......if you know of any spiritual articles blogs RSS feed especially off it is a pain to find us....add them...then we can see what all are doing in one place the way any operation of Zand Avaztar would be done...

N B with U
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Re: The End Decision Posted on: 2006/11/27 12:00
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2819
Thanks for starting a thread much easier to reply to..

My reason's go like this...

For every reaction there has to be an equal and opposite reaction in the universe; one to support the other...

Well that is slightly how it appeared in the after life; and is also related in many of our books...

As in here is not heaven, this is God's foot-stool implying hell or there about..also related as the 7th heaven in the Quran...(real heaven 10+)

You see many here are what is known as 666 they only exist as something they can see...6 carbon, 6 electron, 6 photons = all carbon based life...or Matter for short...or Maya even smaller..

Heaven is not this and is made of unconditional love and wisdom...

Which is the basic fabric of the reality..almost like a super computer in the matrix film..only reality is more easy to follow as code...

This is seen in the fact, our consciousness are symbiotically linked globally..when major events occur in one of us, this is felt on electromagnetic level throughout...which is being shown on computers tests; that show random variables unless something major happens, that makes the world stand up and notice..such as princess Diana dieing or other such horrific events, like the tsunami...

Well that same energy they are trying to tap into and use our own energies as source of God and

Must laugh as the chances of so us ever over coming, what we are in for, many are far from this and some closer then they will ever know...yet one day we may see.

Point being is this..up to 7th dimension as we will fully explain is here and most people idea of love...

Now beyond here is what is needed as requirements in spirit..not can't learn this off someone and expect to get into heaven through following their words..yet actually living it and accumulating and congregating every thought action and option taken, to be that of said purpose of aiming to be perfect in spirit; not mind, you can't take it with you..

You see what many have done here as we see it is to take the religious books out of context for the sake of profit and not prophet...

Mohammed can't give anyone a seat, neither can Yeshua and they both strongly told everyone this, yet still people follow them as of them self' idolising every word they made and so in doing..1 being a harlot and the other not actually working to said goal the prophets tried to achieve.

One of the main things that is wrong is that of unconditional love will punish if something is done wrong as to teach...

Leading back to the start and finalizing the in that this is the basement or bottom of the universe..God is there every step of the way....

Well is in my case and every one else's yet many don't notice and create either a devil or Ego which ever you wish to all it...

As in they will hurt them self's and say it was due to this or that..go back to the thought process and given time of accident and in many cases it is due to illogical and irrational thought that should have never taken place..
God hears that and is all!

Yet for God to be as such God has also experienced and re-lived them moments far more then us ever will...

You see when said in God's image correct..yet not in this human form..yet pure spirit in every single spirit is has the abilities to do as God did..yet only one may find something like in Spirit is like an I to begin, it can evolve and become in a circle..yet that is through countless live times and not just one live..yet that of every animal, and object in-between to ever achieve eternal life..

Why we have here I do believe as in it says Elohim (angels) made here..maybe in here was once hell its self....just pure basement energies intermingling with no real purpose..

So along comes God's highest angel, whom many said fell..yet do believe came to try and help God...not the other way in when it saw how bad it was becoming it said at the beginning of time it would try and enlighten the people to see, if they could truly make it to being a dynamic intrinsically weaved dimensional light being...with God knowing that regardless, those spoken as will be as is extremely difficult to change spirit..mind is one thing spirit another!
So we keep trying!! =(personal point learning why said God makes him grief, Isaiah 53)

So it did this many times explaining the a same thing again and again..yet in each occasion must admit here didn't let it...

Why as here is based on Ego = was hell as I saw it all blame and no time for others from trying to be above..heaven tries to be below and why it is above..

As who counts wisdom or unconditional love as anything to be gained..

I know of many whom are wishing to sit on plastic couches? Or sit in a place made of gold...try a humble little orphanage in the middle of a swamp and that gets me closer to my home...

As in the light of the orphanage stands a divine carer, who sits and read bed time stories to it children who remain in its care..

Yet many don't want that..and so why god allows with out one this not the other...

We learn unconditional love through actually living it..God made the thing and feels every emotion and feeling of the whole a bit more to deal with then a our common pains and hardships...try making a painting that then turns around and says I hate the author of this work it is rubbish?

Who is rubbish? The painting with its many beautiful landscapes or..that daft little smudge that over-shadows the rest...

So we see, if people are ever to make this place peace...they first are going to have to realize it takes a lot of work and lot more humbleness to begin...

As one Ego leads on to another which ever way we look and this is growing..with many of our cultures preconditioning its children to make wealth from them...

On the other hand we have global cooperatives taking place wanting the way it should be...

This is what we knew at 4 years old, yet within reading of the books we found more out..really strange life this is for me..almost like pre -written..we live it then read it in a book someone else has written..

So we have no fear of the end time where it is that there is one clear place in the world..of central unity...being the temple...south east of Jerusalem on the mount...where the world can come any day and will, too join in the praise...yet don't ask me when this is..just can see it always was there at the beginning and so will there at the end..

Why end and begin?

As all moves in circles..not one thing in my life hasn't not one thing in the universe doesn't so..guess we will and all has a returning to once it it soil and of the earth..or be it consciousness and then it returns to its maker..

As only as paint may it be put back in the pot..when it dries and becomes broken and rigid it hasn't much to be reformed with and painted into, and so something more befitting of it own character at that time...instead it falls back into being the background and gets painted over being soil..or Sheol.

So basically lots of works to do..many here think they are in heaven already and why we all falling short..lets set the fields a fire by letting people know politely, that is the way, and then through that Yeshua makes sense, as in that the sand is here and many build their aspiration on this as being perfection..if we say here is hell to begin..then we can see where we making a solid ground to in his parable of going to the judgement seat and the altar he was referring to heaven..and:

That the preacher goes up and says look how perfect I am already and how the person down there is so wrong...= Sand

Then the other sitting at the bottom and saying God I know I am wrong and can not do without you..we all make mistakes and I am know better than another under any circumstances..=Rock

Guess most Christianity has nothing to do with anything I am saying though we speak with one voice of the in that is the snare that has been set...why?

This is the most curious..God laid it out beginning to end..problem is they muddled up the way to deceive to the fact..point is though it is still there!!!

The articles we are helping to write are that of points given within the bible alone to end this with enough evidence to show why..

Only conclusion of it?

To show where and why we are all un-worthy and as such live in this universe and not the true reality of heaven and the temple of God that exists glistening in hyperspace since always, where we did use to be, yet due to breaking of the 13 commandments as we will explain people fell...

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