Oneness - True Faith
Was thinking to run off to heaven and then realised.. Posted on: 2006/7/16 7:57
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2830
Just thinking how nice it would be to be back in heaven and not have to deal with explaining these things to people.
Then ooops!
Big Ooops!
Made of many Small ooop's!
Heaven is Life!!
Not death where would I be going if I wanted to sleep?
No life?
Soil has some, yet carbon gets a bit more and crystals are almost free of it, except for the inner core.
What does that mean?
Eve =Breath =Quantum physics
We have caught our self's up in a situation that has exculpated, as we have progressed.
So if we wish to see heaven, you need to live oneness and since 66% of us don't, it is making it harder for others to progress the same.
So what is the point?
That if you love some one to make you happy, isn't that not love?
Love should be to make them happy and they should want to make you happy!
Problems like this arise when son's of perdition claim love is kind, suppose yes it is, yet we live in a world made from unconditional love, which is no ways the same and even exists out side of our reality to begin as we are from unconditional love; as Justice is in unconditional love as any good parent does.
When we want to love others and our reasons for adventuring is not for us, yet for uniloving everyone and being at one.
Then how can Dogma come in, how can we be in the now if we eat death?
The only law of the Garden of Eden was doing eat death else you will become it.
Why do our bodies' age yet science will tell you it is as pieces of music and they don't know why you start aging.
Well here is what I have found with the help of god so far..meaning living in the Now, if any of body can play an instrument to about 168 PBM + D&B tempo =42x4=time and space, they may have seen the now and as such we can say clearly this happens as we have then met drummers who play in spirit as we have seen them.
As though they may not understand past chaos many of these have seen infinity which is the 8th dimension, and as they have doubled their consciousness speed, this allows infinity levels to be seen; Also the beginning of the chaos factor to allow none to pass with either lie or desire as intents, so that you can get back to oneness.
As that is what heaven is, and to be there we need to be in the middle of life it selves, so where on reality can you hide?
You can't you can become soil and then your grandchildren can set fire to you?
"Burn burn burn" song of the Americans pops in to my head, wonder how many Native Americans are cultural and not been witness to the atrochianion and changing of times?
Wonder how many have a watch and not a spider web grid to confirm it them self?
Who are the lost boys?
We all are so unless you can at least match what we have seen from God's own eyes? When is someone going to listen?
Instead of exculpated a situation which won't get us any where lawyers or levities as written shut up the way, so let's get of religious law as that is what Christ stood against...

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