Oneness - True Faith
How We Can Prove Zanda is the Messiah Posted on: 2020/9/28 8:44
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2878
There is a lot of context in the Tanakh to establish the Messiah, once we realize we have to accept history; the New Testament happened in some way, leading to the destruction of the 2nd temple, and Diaspora as prophesied in Zechariah 11.

At the end of Zechariah 11:15-17 the Foolish Shepherds, who feed themselves like Ezekiel 34, Jeremiah 23; are over the flock until the return of the Messiah, and we have to recognize it is a return, for any of this to make sense.

The Messiah is the Shepherd of Israel, in Zechariah 13:7-8 'when we strike the Shepherd, the Flock is scattered'; then when the Messiah returns, the Flock is reunited.

In many religions globally, there is an expected final Avatar, who will be a religious spiritual leader from Heaven..

Now I've known since 4-5 years old, that I'm sent from Heaven, and my name is in many religious texts globally - Here is a huge list.

I'm now 42, I've spent the last 16 years appealing to people online to address their religious texts, and whilst studying the texts myself, it has become more apparent how much evidence there is showing this.

Now according to my understanding of prophecy, so far no one has noticed (Luke 17:25); yet I'm not here to win people to following their religious texts, I'm here as a sign of Jonah, Lot, Noah (Luke 17:30), that Armageddon, the Great Tribulation, and Judgement Day Fire soon happens.

The Parable of the Fig is that the Bed of Adultery (Isaiah 28:9-19) is explained, and how people have been deceived already.

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Re: We Can Prove Zanda is the Messiah Posted on: 2020/9/28 8:55
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2878
In Modern Hebrew we pronounce Flock, "Zon" (צאן); yet it is "Zan", the same as the name of Zeus (Zanes).

When Numbers 6:27 says, 'the Lord will place his name on his people', this was understood in ancient times, that the Flock of Israel, were the Children of Zeus (Zan).

Yahavah means Lord of Creation, the same as Lord Brahma.

In Deuteronomy 16:2 it is a place holder for the name of the Lord (Your Divine Being Zan), and this is why Psalms 146:10, Psalms 147:12, and Isaiah 52:7 all continue 'Your Divine Being Zion' as a name for the returning 'King', and Messiah.

The problem is the Rabbi, and Scholars use Latin Grammar with the language, they explain words as principles, rather than symbolism - ancient Hebrew is pictographic like hieroglyphics.

Zion is David's place (ציון), and Zan is the Flock (צאן); together they become the name of the Messiah, and "our people".

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