Oneness - True Faith
Re: If any body has any good quotes please add them Posted on: 2005/7/24 15:52
I searched for god and found myself
I searched for myself and found god
I am now at one with all. I am You and You
are ME and that's the TRUTH, Universal and Complete. God GO DO GOOD.

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Re: If any body has any good quotes please add them Posted on: 2005/8/18 12:03
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2878
Search for wizdom in your toes, knowledge is found at the end of your nose.

This by me, it means you can learn all the knowledge in the world, it still doesn't make you wise!

Wizdom comes from inside, and by seeking God with in you, not in books and searching outwardly!

N B with U
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Re: If any body has any good quotes please add them Posted on: 2005/8/18 12:06
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2878
6 is the number of man, how can you go above this if you think man is God?

N B with U
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Re: If any body has any good quotes please add them Posted on: 2005/9/27 19:23
"Imagination is more important than knowledge." Albert Einstein.
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