Oneness - True Faith
Can An Archangel Convert Anyone? Posted on: 2018/8/22 9:30
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2878
Like it sounds so potentially inspiring, that Archangel Michael in Daniel 12 comes to bring in the Children of our People before the Tribulation or Revelation 12:7-17 he comes to fight satan in the sky, and to warn there is little time left...

This can also be equated as Kalki, Li Hong, Maitreya, Saoshyant, etc.

Yet people don't want to change, they're happy following what they already think they're meant to; even if there is a prophesied global deception...

So is there really any potential for an Archangel to change anyone?

Revelation 13:10 relates that those who are heading the wrong way, will continue to do so...

Thus is destiny already set, are you all doomed to be ignorant of the global deception, and to not be educatable or is it possible to explain the deception, where we educate mankind to turn it all around?

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Re: Can An Archangel Convert Anyone? Posted on: 2018/8/22 10:23
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2878
Since most people are unaware here is down near Hell, where satan means an accuser, and devil means a slanderer; most people's immediate response is to slander and accuse...

Which will not win this argument; our reality is about to be destroyed, where after only the saints will remain, and people think this is optional to insult.

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Re: Can An Archangel Convert Anyone? Posted on: 2018/8/23 7:39
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2878
So for example: At 5-6 years old knew Yeshua didn't say "I Am"; it is warned by him to be the deception in Greek in Luke 21:8, Mark 13:5-6, Matthew 24:4-5...

Thus the Gospel of John is clearly fabricated, as it repeatedly uses poor grammatical "I Am" statements to imply he was claiming to be God, when he didn't speak this way in the Synoptic Gospels.

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