Oneness - True Faith
Feel free to modify links as to make a clean system Posted on: 2006/8/19 8:54
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2819
At the mo we are trying to reorganise the site less is better then more!

So trying to keep just key word elements and lose the rest, bodges up google yet will be far happier when we have a sorted directory all of us manage.
Anda all get a say if they want to comment far easier then and oneness....

Wish some people would say anda come back also lol

N B with U
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Re: Feel free to modify links as to make a clean system Posted on: 2006/8/26 8:41
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2819
Ok a list of points wishing to achieve with the entire site, so any help is appreciated....

1 Clean easy flowing system, no edges!
2 Making the links directory clear and with each page title of the link and description growing to include all that it can about every site on here.
3 deleting and arranging all links into their own folders, each can be modified that we can then see and choose where and which is right between us.
Making not extra folders yet less!!


Much of the web has become a jumble sale, no we are working to fix this and make one site where you can learn do and think to study any track.
yet allowing somewhere that is like an open university, yet so dam fun that even Paul turns in his grave (may angels be accursed for standing against him)
Ha well we do and as we are far more scared of God, then someone who has misquoted scriptures to his own liking long enough!

In other words if it is any system of religion it is going in its own category for religion.....

If it is spiritual and open minded enough not to be classed and need a blanket in which to cover people with.

Then it is spiritual as that basically means to understand who you are.

The fact religion tries its best to frown on said people by allowing everything it touches to be categorised and ordered...this is effect of religions....

So even sciences can go into religion as that is where said evolution of ideas stemmed from.

Now given that it is clear way to separate sheep and goats so if you find any of our links by your self that are not spiritual or vice versus....

As then without to many extra categories as we have now all can be in a true heading of where the path of any web site leads....

This means then we all have a systematic order if you go somewhere and find any sorts of dogmatic behaviour to an idea or concepts that overrules basic politeness and kindness...

Then that is religion....just to add it is like web programming it self...
Now if I made modules using what I learned on a zx spectrum 64 at about 4 years old...

Then you wouldn't see this site or be able to talk freely... so in all written languages evolves which my granddad who speaks 6 languages understood and said to me.....

Yet within his understanding is that or Pollish, German and Russian which are so similar yet so different and then we have this later language you see here called English....

Now evolution of creature is far slower in comparison and in that is greater wisdom found.

You see anyone carrying an old book and saying it is that in which they follow, is following the past and so looking backwards....

Probably why Christ said to his disciples even down to them ALSO that from traditions passed down, this would not be accepted for what it is....

This is that a mustard seed is written within many different books world wide....

Now some of you call these religions.....???

How dare you is all we can say coming from there and speaking very much from the spirit, on all of this...

You see in saying Buddhism is a religion you deny the one thing that Buddhism stands for which is freedom of ego, so in requiring a given contract to say I am this or I am that is to declare as state of none being in Buddhism denied....

This also applied to Christ saying that many will say (I am) and so on as this is cheek....

As we are this we are that and anything else is just to be....

So lately we are reorganising our own directory to clean system like this, yet this also requires going over the old ones, which can be edited at any point to include as much information....

The comments can be posted by guests and we are checking these so all get a fair say...

Any way if you can help report spam links that existed from earlier as some people when the system was open to any without admin intervention messed the system up we did think out earlier...

Yet due to the nature of the net added to many brackets and categorise making it none efficient to begin with.

Now as it grows we may add more categories again if you wish...

Yet this is only to allow specifics like separating books and music resources into their own sub categories of course making a better visible url from goggles page title response and so helping people find it.

Yet again though within this entire site if you feel a site is over commercial report it as broken this allows us to delete it after checking.

Then between our self's we can make a universal easy system that isn't going to take a week to fill in or in my case on dmoz 3 years????

Thxz for doing and chat in real time on the chat system for help....

Peace all

N B with U
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