Oneness - True Faith
PHP is Hypertext Preprocessor, not Spacey Text Slow Processor Posted on: 2008/5/10 10:07
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2824
Please, Please, Please!!!

PHP is something that is being processed....If something is processed that means in our current technology, the processor is making millions of calculations of "on and off"....10101010110
So what do blank spaces do in code? 101010000000000000010110

The processor has to calculate on and off binary for them spaces also, so stop doing it...Please!

1) You can't read the code as well; as it takes so long to scroll down the page, you get bored of looking.
2) Your overall system runs slower as instead of reading code, really its spending most of its time sifting through all the unnecessary spacing..(You may think to use some sort of other codeing, to remove those spaces in real-time = even more processing power, that is needed to actually read the code.)
3).....There are loads more reasons, to be continued....

N B with U
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Re: PHP is Hypertext Preprocessor, not Spacey Text Slow Processor Posted on: 2008/5/30 22:53
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2824
Just another BIG point to add to this, so far I've noticed PHP doesn't read Tab very well (or make that it doesn't read TAB, it reads spaces just; yet really even those are evil {opposite to live}; How are you meant to live when it takes a week for your site to load)....
Been finding loads of spaces in Chinese/Japanese code, where the spaces don't show as spaces, ' ' if searched I presume these are tabs, as they provided a double space and why was removing them to begin with....
Yet on doing so there is a considerable amount of relief in the time it takes too load, reason for saying relief is, because you could see the PHP struggling over certain files and the Tab's/spaces were the cause of these.

N B with U
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