Oneness - True Faith
Don't look a Gift Horse in the Mouth Posted on: 2008/6/28 13:17
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2819
Please forgive me, yet I think people have misinterpreted this sentence....

Reason is this:

We all know when you get something for free normally; there is always a catch...

"Here is a free gifted horse"
"Oh thank you; could i have some hay?
"No you have to pay extra for hay"
"Yet i thought you gave me the horse to care for?
"i did, now you can pay extra for the barn for it if you want; at an increased price as its a special horse that one."


"Come ye, come all and buy my wonderful horses"
"That one looks good, it has wonderful teeth"
"Yes that's a special kind of horse, very special in facts, it's my most expensive"

Foolish Man Quote:

"Ok, I will take it! Since its teeth are the best way to tell how well a horse is"

This naively is like the rest of the dictionary definitions, we find people saying this expression means.
Wise Man Quote:

"Well its teeth are very polished; so what's this lump on its leg?"
"Oh that's nothing, just a slight bump from when it was hurt"
"From when it was hurt; how did that happen?"
"Oh it had a fall, yet the vets say 'it can walk ok'"
"So it can't run?"
"Well sort of, it can manage; yet it will need allot of care; you can rent my special barn if you need, as it needs a hammock; so it doesn't put to much weight on the legs...very cheap"
"No thank you, yet thanks for offering"

So when we say "not to look a gift horse in the mouth" it's that it's not a way to tell if the horse is healthy or not and can be merely the owner polishing them to get rid of it....

So when someone says here is something for free, ask your self why and check what you're doing, especially online as almost every gift has some reason for giving it away so freely.

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