Oneness - True Faith
End of Reality Soon if None Help Posted on: 2021/1/10 11:13
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2878
According to many religious texts globally, and what I've known since a child, I've been sent before the Great Tribulation - with the knowledge required to prevent it; yet since none have taken it seriously, the end of humanity is on its way... 💔🌍

The Bible prophesied Christ returns explaining the Bed of Adultery (Isaiah 28:9-19) before the resetting of reality, and then the Messianic Age - 'Like a Parable of the Fig before Summer' (Isaiah 28:4).
Christ is prophesied to have a New Name in Revelation 3:12; this new name is Sananda, which comes from the original name of the Creator's son - Sanandana.
The Pillar in the Temple of God is Sandalphon in Judaism's archangels, and the New Jerusalem is in reference to Zion Elohim (Psalms 146:10, Psalms 147:12, Isaiah 52:7).
In Revelation the term Lambs is a plural diminutive of sheep; which is then a Flock.
Flock in Hebrew is Zan (צאן) - thus it is Zan's Book of Life; where Zan was found as the name of the Creator in many religions globally.

Z and A is the Last and First letter, and Zander is a fish. ><>

In the Bhagavad Gita Krishna promises to return before Mahapralaya (J-Day Fire) as Skanda the son of Shiva, the rider on a white being. Who is also recorded as 'Kalki' the 25th & final avatar, which means 'the end of time'.

In Zoroastrianism there are recorded Saoshyants (Bringers of Truth). The wise-men came to Christ's birth with gifts based on their prophecies. Moses was prophesied within them as a great leader, and Buddha taught the Dharma. The final Saoshyant comes correcting the scriptures before Frashokereti (J-Day Fire). Zand means exegesis in Persian, and some of their texts are called the Zand-Avesta.

Odin is spelled Wōdanaz, and returns before Ragnarök.

What is interesting, is in the film the 'Kid Who Would Be King', some people know that the Messiah's birth certificate name was 'Alexander Elliott' born in the UK; where the film reiterates these global prophecies.

The Sibylline Oracle of Delphi explains the Messiah will have a name that sounds like 'Sand'; yet shall be a return of King David, and Alexander the Great. Where it explains how it has always been Zeus's interaction with mankind, as there is only one Source to reality.

The Nicene Church Fathers recorded that Jupiter (the head of the Roman pantheon), was the same as Jove from the Jews, and Zan (Zeus) from the Greeks.

The thing is, I've always wanted to educate mankind, the burning everyone at the reformatting of reality, is because humans trash the place, and we have to keep the Enlightened Saints who've listened... Yet if people actually listened globally, couldn't we turn it around between us? 🤔🙏🤔

Some come to the conclusion that the Messiah could unite humanity, and build world peace; personally based on how much people have tried to help, I doubt that, and therefore sit expecting Armageddon... 😇🐳
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Re: End of Reality Soon if None Help Posted on: 2021/1/10 15:48
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2878
I really wish people helped us more with the fate of humanity...

As an archangel down here, who knows that the texts proves what I was told as a child in advanced detail; I'm looking forward to the Judgement Day Fire coming here, as I've spent my lifes trying to warn people, so there is a sense of relief it is soon over...
Yet I know most of us don't want this, and yet without people helping, destiny is already set that the Great Tribulation will wipe humanity out, and then Source brings back the Enlightened Saints.

Without each one of us choosing to want all of us to exist, we're not going to get anywhere, and none are saved automatically.

Especially when 'J+sus' means 'a beast that shall trample down or tear away.'

The Synoptic Gospels Vs the Gospel of John is a purposeful IQ morality test; which the world has already failed on. Simon was called the Stumbling Stone (peter), as he would mislead people with Pharisaic Pauline Christianity.

The Quran wasn't there as a new text, it was a review of the previous texts that came before it.

If people read the world's religious texts, they'd already know here is the top floor of Hell (Maya), and that the Messiah is prophesied to be ignored before Judgement Day; as the world's religion as one, has become divided by an accusative cult mentality.

The thing is the plan is already perfect, and every action has been calculated to infinity, to encompass everyone worthy of the Age of Enlightenment...

This asking for global help, to try to prevent what is prophesied, is more for your benefits, before many of you are to be deleted from the Matrix at Judgement Day.

N B with U
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Re: End of Reality Soon if None Help Posted on: 2021/1/11 17:42
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2878
I've spent years wanting to cry when I wake up, and none close to me have cared enough to ask properly why...
The reason is, I've been sent with advanced religious prophecy, and known since young I'm down near Hell before the Great Tribulation.
Like my first nervous break down was at 12, because as well as dealing with everything crazy in life, I'd also spend most of my time trying to ponder how I'd single handily inform the world they were already following the Antichrist's teachings - which by its nature proves most of us hypocrites in some way.
I'd sort of decided back then, that if I wrote music I'd win the hearts of the audience, then it might be easier to include the hypocritical contradictions.
The problem is since 24 on reading the Bible, I've realized people might like the music, the poetry, and art I create, yet they don't actually want to change their doctrine, and don't even recognize their own immoral hypocritical standards.
According to the world's religious texts, as stating above, Source plans on just burning the lot of us, and keeping those who got it... This is highly unfair, as many of us don't have the faculties to understand some of the assessments.
Having no one to confide in most of my life with this situation is ridiculous, and the people close to me seem to expect getting a partner is a solution; yet this then overwhelms any relationships, as I sort of place this decision for the fate of humanity on someone... This isn't fair as it isn't their choice; it is everyone's.
Without any assistance, religious prophecy will soon be fulfilled: where when Israel/USA starts World War 3 with Iran, the Judgement Day Fire cleanses reality.
By definition of what the religious texts determine, many of the individual religious ideologies won't be here after, as they eat animals, drink alcohol, don't have entheogens, endorse man-made marriages, accept human sacrifice, and are predatory within their nature.
We're coming to a new reality, where the Enlightened Saints have already been invited with visions, and get resurrected after the Great Tribulation.
If anyone wants to know how to be invited, please ask; as I've sort of lost hope in all people, as it appears people didn't really want to listen properly in the first place, else they'd not still be down here. 😇💔🌍

N B with U
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