Oneness - True Faith
Articles :: Religious Resolution

first surah of the Holy Quran

Surah Al Fatiha, Alhamdulillah,All kinds and all forms of the praises belongs to the Allah Almighty, Who created this world and the contents of all universe. Man is so humble even cannot obtain a little morsel of food unless a thousand forces of the universe work together to produce it. This is an example of the Divine power and to realize how the universe in going on systematically.
Tags: first  surah  Holy  Quran 
first surah of the Holy Quran
Surah Al Fatiha, Alhamdulillah,All kinds and all forms of the praises belongs to the Allah Almighty, Who created this world and the contents of all universe. Man is so humble even cannot obtain a little morsel of food unless a thousand forces of the universe work together to produce it. This is an example of the Divine power and to realize how the universe in going on systematically.

The lesson of oneness or Towheed lies in the very first surah of the Holy Quran, when we say All praises belong to Allah the Alone,it means we confess that no one else is praiseworthy or worship-worthy. Surah Al Fatiha starts with the praise of Allah and the basic belief of Islam that only Allah is our Lord and Master.

The second verse of surah Fatihah speaks of the Qualities of Allah Almighty, employing two adjectives, Rahman and Raheem, which are the hyperbolic terms in Arabic. These terms connote the perfection and superabundance of Divine mercy. Allah Almighty is the kind and so Merciful to all the kinds of creations, He is the Sustainer and Nurturer of the whole universe.

The third verse of the surah Fatihah pays homage to Allah as the Master of the Day of judgment. The phrase Master of the day of Requital implies the total mastery on the Day of Requital, This phrase makes a general reference to cover everything, it is also said that on the Day of judgment the mastery over everything that exists will belong to Allah Alone.

This world is the field of action and we will recompense for the actions in this world. On the day of judgment, our account of actions will be fronted to Allah .He alone is the Master of the day of requital. He will punish the wrongdoers and will give reward to the virtuous people. In Surat Al Fatihah Arab this is stated in the third verse.

Surat Al Fatihah Arab, fourth verse teaches man not to worship anyone except Allah, not to consider anyone else as being really capable of satisfying his needs, and not to beg anyone else to satisfy his needs. This is the Towheed[oneness],the basic principle of the Islamic creed. We should worship only Allah.
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 Re: first surah of the Holy Quran

Posted: 2020/9/3 7:42  Updated: 2020/9/3 8:12


Joined: 2004/3/26
From: Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2932
I've moved the article to Religious Resolution.

Oneness (Tawheed) which is the name of this site, as explained from the Quran means more than just to worship the Source of reality (Allah). We need to understand the Quran assigns for us to accept all the world's religious texts as One (2:285), within that humbleness to study, and obey, we prove we're Servants of the Source (Muslim).

The Quran instructs us to accept all the angels (2:285), and these were called the Divine Council in Ancient times (38:69, 37:8).

Oneness is not dividing religion; it is unifying.