Oneness - True Faith
Articles :: Poetry

El Vs Elohim

Riddles & Rhymes, Where Spirituality Divides.
Tags: Poem  Poetry  Oneness  0neness  I  Am  Ego 
Many Self realized down in Hell,
Let's keep the words simple,
As some think it's swell.
Here is to define our desires,
Not to make ourself God;
When we're down here as mortals,
'And shall die as men',
Do we not hear the vibe of the pen.
'Divine Beings' manifest by the Source are Elohim,
El is the 'Source' always unseen;
Badly translated as 'God' it seems.
As the word becomes ambiguous,
It comes across conspicuous,
Anyone courageous gets classed as audacious.
Source is meticulous and precise;
Individually we have skills concise,
Yet it's ridiculous to assume ourself to be God,
When we're all so imprecise.
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 Re: El Vs Elohim

Posted: 2020/10/2 7:46  Updated: 2020/10/2 7:46


Joined: 2004/3/26
From: Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2932
Isaiah 46:9 explains a riddle across time,
Where it states El is not like the Elohim,
Telling us to go back to Moses in Deuteronomy 32:7-9,
As theology will be muddle since Babylon.

 Re: El Vs Elohim

Posted: 2020/10/2 8:51  Updated: 2020/10/2 8:58


Joined: 2004/3/26
From: Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2932
In 2002 a robin came up to me in the garden, and I heard "Adoni MelchiZedek in my minds eye; thus I saw how to spell it, yet had never heard the word.

In Isaiah 46:11-13 it informs us that 'a swooping' bird shall appoint the one from God, and that this same being shall have the 'Spirit of Sanctification' within them (Teshuvah).

This being is Zion Elohim (Psalms 146:10, Psalms 147:12, Isaiah 52:7) or Zan Elohim (Deuteronomy 16:2).

We can show Yeshua Elohim (the spirit of salvation) was the person in Isaiah 52:10-53:12.

Who we can see through study that Yeshua was Yahavah (Exodus 15:2, Psalms 118:14-21, Isaiah 12:2); who has always had the name Zan/Zion Elohim (ציון ▬ צאן).

Yahavah means Lord of Creation, and the name of that being in many of the world's religions is our name.