Oneness - True Faith
Cannabis Enlightened the Religions Posted on: 2019/3/7 7:26
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2829
In the Bible the Holy Annointing oil Exodus 30:23-25 has cannabis in it (kaneh bosem); which is the etymology of the word cannabis.

Christ and his disciples healed with it Mark 6:13, and the early church new it healed, thus why they were called Christians (James 5:14).

In Zoroastrian texts there is a plant called Haoma which is a reed based plant with aromatic flowers - which caused them to write prophetic poetry the same.

In Hindu texts we have Soma which again helped cause the Rishi to connect with the divine, and write spiritual poetry.

Buddha had Bhang, which is cannabis leaves crushed with coconut milk to make a drink.

Muhammad told us we will sit on couches, drinking ginger (zanjabil) and cannabis tea (kafur).

Thus many of the religions wouldn't really have existed without the help of cannabis.

N B with U
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Re: Cannabis Enlightened the Religions Posted on: 2019/3/8 9:09
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2829
An intoxicant, intoxicates in some way; in other words it poisons us to cause an affect.

To have balanced cannabinoids, we require a full range of omega oils for regulated mindfulness.

Cannabis is deemed Holy according to my understanding of the religious texts; thus deeming something illegal, that should be regal, is part of the problem with spirituality globally. :(

We have a malnutrition crisis, which hemp could easily fix, and mankind is heading for WW£$ as people need to chill...

Hemp would also solve the oil problem, and was the original fuel Henry Ford developed cars to run on.

As saying cannabis isn't an intoxicant, and is a sacred food, herb, & medicine as recorded in a majority of religions...

We've been lied to, like how can 3 major religions lose the ID of a plant? Kaneh Bosem (Bible), Haoma (Zoroastrian) Soma (Hindu).

It is Anti-Christ's teachings by the way, as a Christ means an anointed one, and thus this opposite world has been caused by the Egocentric Shadow of Mankind's "I Am" Consciousness (Mara)....

Cannabis is a teacher plant that connects us to part of our soul, so we can see the shadows within.

Cannabis as a holy plant is essential for mind regulation, there are cannbinoids it contains we find no where else, and without them we're nervously hardwired to react badly to stimuli.

So to not eat a food designed for the human body, automatically leads to irregular thought.

Literally seen the affects on a close friend recently, who'd previously studied how to do Reiki, and yet not found the inner balance; grew a few plants, and is now closer.

It is like having a car, and not putting fuel into it, it won't go anywhere.

Yet the road is the path of the Shaman, and if you know of the Bon religion that existed in Zanda in Tibet, where the Temple of Shiva resides Mt Kailash - with the son of Shiva being Skanda...

Then Buddhism used to have a much more wider comprehension of consciousness, from the many sacred medicines.

To be clear, I'm not saying anyone should just go taking anything without shamanic understanding; yet lets stop calling the foundations of our religions drugs, whilst taking legally prescribed dark magic (Pharmakia means witchcraft).

In terms of clouding the mind, all we have to do is drink tap water in the west.

So speaking about something that helps neural re-genesis, thus increases IQ by 15% isn't the problem, and the people brainwashing us to believe such things, feed us neural suppressants.

N B with U
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