Oneness - True Faith
How long must we have Roman Government Posted on: 2007/1/9 22:34
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2830
Is it just me or though they call it there any difference between now and the beginning of politics with the Romans?

We still have a committee that is elected by them self's....isn't that voted on?

Well if it was, would you allow some of the people the prime Minster chooses as his friends to be the committee?

So in what ways, do people see the same Roman Government and in what ways can we stop this?

As clearly it doesn't work we have seen 2000 years of the Roman Catholic Church and said Government that is established and chosen by the same.....

So now we have freedom of speech, lets start the process for real democracy and what that means....

N B with U
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