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Re: Who or what is the devil!
Posted on: 2005/11/7 3:36 |
Actually your right, its time to end this.. I want to leave this on a good note tho..Lets never forget the victoms! Two million plus children kidnapped and turned into satanists has pretty much ensured the destruction of this nation by our Father, and Yashua. Its time to get ready for judgement as a soul in america. If God is going to destroy this nation (earthquake?) because of satanists taking over the world from here, then its time to do some soul searching. Because we could all die from this earthquake. Ezekial 9 :1-6 and Rev 6:12 Its my understanding the rocky mountians will dissapear underground, and new mountin ranges will come up. That kind of earthquake will kill everyone. There is supposed to be an evacuation of a certian handful. Its less than 1% of the nation. I left america 4 yrs ago to avoid this, but the spirit brought me back. I will die with my children, or be evacuated. It dont matter to me anymore. I have learned to much, crossed over to far, and can never return. I put my fate in Yashuas hands now. What else can I do? I 've had to many visions, to many meetings with "them", and to much of the Holy Ghost (Shekinah) in me now to fit in anywheres! I'll be talking to myself a Actually I'll be talking to God a lot...thru Shekinah!
I pray our time together has been a blessing. Time moves on and things happen. I've got to go..God bless you all, is my feelings to you. amen - Never forget the victoms!...peace
Re: Who or what is the devil!
Posted on: 2005/11/9 10:40 |
damnnn fooool you are tripp'n! what are you on?! i gotta get myself some of that!
Re: Who or what is the devil!
Posted on: 2005/11/9 19:56 |
Considering this thread started on the devil is mans EGO, I think you have done excellent job of showing people what this is.
Re: Who or what is the devil!
Posted on: 2005/11/10 7:29 |
I agree 110%, this is an excellent topic, i may not agree with everything the original post said, but the concept that the devil is not a person or a supernatural being and is within us, was shown quite well here. I do agree we allow the devil to exist... because we allow him to exist.
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