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Re: Evolution!! Did we come from monkeys?
Posted on: 2005/6/12 15:50 |
Monkey see monkey do. We behave like monkeys don't we? why not think that we are monkeys? ahh! thinking that something is the truth and being the truth is something quite different. Like day and night.
Can a monkey think? can a monkey reason? Maybe more than humans nowdays, some may say...that is why we still believe in glorified nonsense, covered with such dignified words such as "religion" and "the word of god."
Did we forget that we can think? Think about that....
Re: Evolution!! Did we come from monkeys?
Posted on: 2005/6/28 0:35 |
Just popping in 
Joined: 2005/6/27 4:57
" Did we forget that we can think? Think about that.... "
If we start thinking like the image of God as we were designed to be - we will learn all truths. The missing "link" in Charles Darwin theory of evolution is Gods creation - think about this - God creates Man & Women - Satan in his jealous pride tries to copy the creation - after multiple failed tries [cavemen] - Satan ascends in the Garden to corrupt Mankind. Why corrupt them - to create a stalemate between God - Himself and the fallin Angels - that God is no more perfect than them and Satan's existance in this universe depends on the demise of Man.
Does Satan have the power of creation - at the time yes - but that of imperfection for he became the Adversary of God - this is why all he touches is compromised. Can we prove this theory - [Ezekiel 28:12] tells us, Satan was "the model of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty" when he was created. Yet neither he nor any of the other angels were given dominion over the earth initially. Rather, Adam, a being Satan must have considered inferior to himself, was given this power. It's easy to see why Satan's pride led him to sin.
Satan was created before Mankind and witnessed the creation - in his later corrupted wisdom fails in duplicating Man - but learns something of the chariteristics of primitive humanoids and is able to decieve all of Mankind. As far as time is concerned for anthropologist deem millions of years took place between primitive species development [Psalms 90:4] tells us that one day for God is like a thousand years for Man. Also there is no timetable that confirms the years Adam & Eve spent in the Garden before the fall from Grace.
Be sinless and live forever.
Re: Evolution!! Did we come from monkeys?
Posted on: 2005/7/7 9:14 |
Just popping in 
Joined: 2005/6/27 4:57
Why do humans and primates have a defective GULO gene in their livers preventing the completion of ascorbate synthesis, forever damning them to hypoascorbemia, while 99.999% of all other animals are not so afflicted? ____________________________________________________________
Great question one for the ages - i'm still trying to figure out why we [all vertebrates] process air the same fashion - why some of us would not just breath and take in Nitrogen for instance instead of Oxygen - exhail the rest.
Maybe God's genetic blueprint can only vary so much?
Keep breathing live awhile - be sinless live forever.
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