Oneness - True Faith
Re: What is a shaman? Posted on: 2006/2/25 20:25
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2931
I found that slightly unfair, I have had the presence around me of Shaman's and many things to guide me, yet I am self taught, my path has been guided by the universe.
Many of my customs I have later read, are these ways, so it is in some intrinsic.
So please be careful how you approach a subject, you do clarify at the end, yet to begin with, I was feeling attacked.
As you don't need a Brahmin school, if you are a Brahmin!
You are one with all, which has learned it before and so therefore all can be learned again.

N B with U
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Re: What is a shaman? Posted on: 2006/2/25 20:56
Just can't stay away
2005/12/31 8:22
Posts: 90

Attacked! How can you say this when I state myself I was born journeying and did not meet my first shaman until my twenties. I was then relieved. Actually, delighted to know maps existed and that I was not making it all up. Sometimes before I met others like myself I wondered a bit.

Did you listen to it all, read all of it! I only just finished the final draft a moment before your message came up on the screen, so no you didn't. At best you were scanning an earlier draft. I gave the simplest details. The most basic guides. Nothing specific, no mention of who I ever trained with, only that it is more advisable if you do. I realize some do not. I have also seen this turn out disasterously! Yet, I did not mention this did I. It has been said now. Sorry, it is true far too often. Perhaps you are the exception.

I pray your heart will soften in this direction as we have discussed why I felt you needed to seek a Shamans assistance at times in the past. Was I attacking your skill level then? My own? No! I was using wisdom... You took no offense that day.

I am not the master of all things. Yet this is a topic I feel passionate about.

I do not feel attacked. Should I? Why?

Love and Gratitude,
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Re: What is a shaman? Posted on: 2006/2/25 21:24
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2931
No, and I didn't mean you attacked trying to, yet that everyone hasn't a Shaman around the corner to talk to.
That some time you can get the wrong advice from them; as I do know really well coming from a family of preachers.
Yet each tells it, their own way, so the inner path is the key to learning isn't it?
Do you know what I mean>?

N B with U
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Re: What is a shaman? Posted on: 2006/2/25 21:52
Just can't stay away
2005/12/31 8:22
Posts: 90
I came across as a preacher. The cross step I told you about...? Did I go over a boundary line? Even step on your toes? It will happen. I am not so sorry. I am equal to you in various ways, not subordinant. You would have it no other way. A stool can not be balanced on uneven legs!

So that was the trigger then? I am not Auntie! Now I am offended! Shall I call you on your days of preaching from here forward. Some days I want to tape your mouth shut too!
Do I? I think about it...I let it pass. Do you prefer I call you on each occassion?

Perhaps you are correct, filled with passion I was taking for granted having shamans and so many practitioners around to practice with. It took a long time to develop our community, one person at a time, yet we did it! They told us it couldn't be done in Omaha, yet we did it!

Zan when we are doubted in our quest and they say we can't do it, do we believe it? No, we know it can be done. We have both proved otherwise in numerous other opportunities in our lives when someone has got in our face and said it just couldn't be done and we proved them flat wrong! We are doing it again one post and person at a time! Adversity, preaching against ones heart...been there. It makes me stronger, not worn down!

Do you remember my dream the other day?

Life always finds a inner way. Sees things from other perspectives.

Do you understand it was not out of pride or ego I wrote this piece the way I did. It was not based out of a need to be right or to even teach, rather it was informative and simplistic. My intention was to be as basic and neutral as possible. It could have been much more than it was, yet I choose differently. Yet, I did not choose in error. Why it could apply to just about any culture or tribal experience. To speak from my own experience was all I did. I am not even a shaman, I refer to self as a practitioner, do I not?

I do not take back my personal integrity by saying I am sorry for what I wrote or how I feel. I also honor your own voice and appreciate your feedback.

Thank you for recognizing the inner path is the key to learning. Did I not make this clear enough. I talk about the way.

Something to agree on none the less. I see the inner way in many paragraphs I wrote...I am puzzled, perhaps more than you.

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