Not too shy to talk 
Joined: 2005/10/17 21:13
From Springfield, Mo
Wow, This started when I was gone. I already told some of my ufo encounters and more about ufos. They are definatly real alright. nasa even has film footage of them. All ya got to do is start checking it out. Do a search on them, buy some videos, read a book or two. Stay open minded and wait patiently, start looking for them with intent.
As for the poster who is fed up with organized religion, praise God for that.. Now maybe we can get somewhere. One thing I need to address, is not to give up on God, because of this mess. And even beyond that, do not give up on developing your character of right doing. Jesus said in Romans 2:12-16 that many will be given eternal life who have never heard of him. Its because they listen to their conscious and develop good characters by doing so. If ya get nothing else out of this, at least protect your character.
I dont know why Gods spirit reveals itself to some, while others seem to not be able to notice it? I can only speak my testimony and its astonishing.. All I can say is dont give up on God, mankind has been manipulated to make religion a travisty, and this destroys many in the faith. Thats the devils plan all along. Some here dont believ in the devil either, but I have net him, more than once. Some of us are engaged in warfare with this prick, and it calls for him to manifest to try and stop us. We have no problems believeing after a while, theres just to much manifestation going on .. It depends on wat your doing.
I didnt have this, untill I lost my wife, and my kids growed up and went their ways. Suddenly I find myself retired with nothing to do, so I went to war with satan for abusing humanity like this. Man, did that open up some experiences. Manifestations, ufos driving over me at all hours of the day and night. I even got surrounded by a bunch of satanists 2 yrs ago. I thought, "this is it, I am a gonner". But suddenly I disappeared and reappeared 5 miles away from them. Dont ask me how that happened, Because I dont know. God did it evidently because it wasnt my time yet. I could go on and on. I left the churches about 15 yrs ago. Thats when I became a free thinker and started really learning things and having wondreful experiences, stuff books are made off. But it wasnt untill I left organized religion, did it start to happen. However I never lost my faith in God, dont you either. Satan is counting on you doing that.. But I say f-ck him, and keep your faith.. steel your resolve about God and you. Become crazy and intense about God giving you a sign.
Sometimes ya got to grab God by the hem of his garmet, and refuse to let go, untill he answers your request. Thats what I did 6 yrs ago when I found out they were mass producing satanism, from our own children. I went beserk. I fled to the mountians, got as high as I could, and then started cussing God out with every cuss word I knew for letting this happen. I then turned my anger on satan and cussed him out for doing this. I was so mad, and hurt, I wanted to die. So i went to the mountians by myself and screamed at the top of my lungs, for weeks on end, with tears running down my face, cussing God and satan out at the same time. I was bound and determined one of them was going to kill me. The truth had become to much for me, it spilit my personality, and sent me on a death rage. After a few months, I knew neither God or satan was going to kill me. But the spirit started speaking to me. It sent me to study Ufos, and metaphysical stuff. After 3 more yrs I knew how to cast a spell at satan, and it hit big time. This drawed his wrath on me, but like I said, I dissappeared and reappeared 5 miles away. I got more than I bargened for, and then some.
My life has been changed forever, and I am in a permanat war with the devil now, untill I die. Which may be soon, if God stops protecting me. But My point is, I got so desperate, I wouldnt let God go about this issue of mass producing satanists from our own kids. I waged war with God about it. So whats he do, he made me a magician of sorts, so I could go after the devil myself, for this trespass, and hes given me protection from the devils wrath, because I am hurting his kingdom seriously now. Its just shortning the days mostly, but at least thats something. If I can take 20 yrs off of satans life, then fine, I will take that.
But there are ways to get to God. There are ways to get his attention. Get mad about him not revealing himslf to you, and direct it right in his face, if thats what it takes. David did it another way, by peace and love. But ya can find God other ways to. If I didnt cuss him out, screaming at the top of my lungs for weeks, with tears running down my face; I wouldnt be where I am at today.. See what I mean. Get adamant about it, not to defy God, but to challenge him about his dutys as a Father to us, he is our pare3nt, talk to him like that.. If you need a revelation, then God should give you one. But ya gotta get tough at times, and I mean tough..If I can help in any way, even just talking, please reply back. I am here to serve, I know several sides of our Father, maybe together, we can get his attention. I already have it, more that I need, my cup is not only full, but running over.. But It didnt start, untill I cussed him out for a long time. But thats me..Anywho let me know whats up..peace