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Posted on: 2005/10/15 12:44 |
Just can't stay away 
Joined: 2005/9/25 0:48
From Stockton California
T-ry to lose it i do,
R-evering my incidence, behind me it always stays,
A-fter every move i make, every breath i take,
P-rying in on my most intimant privacy,
P-reoccupied by nothing but me,
E-ternally in my presence,
D-ieing is my only escape,
S-hadow is it's name,
O-ath we make as to ease my fears,
U-unsettling realms of paranoia,
L-eft behind forever... my shadow.
Re: Acrostic
Posted on: 2006/1/10 16:06 |
Just can't stay away 
Joined: 2005/12/31 8:22
L iving moment to moment
I n acceptance of memory, thought and dream
B ecoming more than I knew was possible
E merging anew after such a long sleep within this cocoon
R eentering life aware, shaking loose the old, a new being born, wings opening and drying ready to take flight
A uthenicity calls the new self forth
T rusting forward movement behold self love, acceptance, and grace
E volving...equal to the task embraced at last.
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