Oneness - True Faith
Re: Haarp: Angels dont play this one! Posted on: 2005/10/20 21:24
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2931
Sorry you have caught what I said wrong. There is one God the father, the image many people see is what they believe they will see; yet God has no image. This is an illusion that we perceive heaven and God, as we conceive them to be, as they are perfect, you see what you believe you will, as else it wouldn't be heaven to you. Does that make sense?
While I was talking to God in heaven, I asked to see what God really was, as I like finding the truth always. I saw that God really is the central core of the whole of existence and can feel everything in the whole universe, almost like how your brain tells you things.


Deu 5:8-9 You shall not make a graven image for you, any likeness of anything that is in the heavens above, or in the earth beneath, or in the waters beneath the earth. (9) You shall not bow yourself down to them, nor serve them. For I Jehovah your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the sons to the third and fourth generation of those who hate Me,

Did you know that you are quoting Paul and the angel of light?
Loads of love, don't worry you don't know how cautious I am with spiritual matters. I do know what force you are talking about, yet it is also works through the ego. Yet there is no super force leading it i.e. Lucifer, the brightest star (devil?) Satan (Job: God asks where you come from?) Genesis: (serpent). Do you get what I am saying?

N B with U
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Re: Haarp: Angels dont play this one! Posted on: 2005/10/20 21:26
Just can't stay away
2005/9/25 0:48
From Stockton California
Posts: 108
this is not my place to discuss... this is for wiz... all i can say is a true prophet cannot lie... that does not mean only a prophet that does not lie is a prophet... it means anyone who does not lie is a prohpet... and i do not lie about my UFO experience... and i do not lie about aliens who wish us the best, and are trying to push the kingdom of God here on earth. but we are getting lost in religions, we are forgetting what true worship is, we are turning it into an idol... there shall be no idols before God... before his vision and before his image... yet we have turned him into an idol... and forgot about his laws, which is all he wished to bring. Now we have shut ourselves out from the universal community... yes Dude i hope there is a UFO for me... i've been getting some direction now which is telling me to build my own UFO if i want the truth... and to stop rlying on the government to come clean... so Dude... if you'd like, you can join me... and we can build one, i'm sure there will be enough space for 4 or even 5.. it will just be a scout vehicle... enough to escape to a moon base. *wink wink* love you guys, both of you... and hope we can all work out our differences in a peaceful mature non-humanly manner.
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Re: Haarp: Angels dont play this one! Posted on: 2005/10/20 22:08
Just can't stay away
2005/9/25 0:48
From Stockton California
Posts: 108
when you look up... can you not see the stars in heaven? do you not hear of the scientists discovering planets... do we really need telescopes? all we have to do is tilt our heads back if we want to know. but if you want to learn how to love and treat others... the religion is the place to go... does anyone get it? it was placed here to speed up the process, to teach us to love... how can we get along with ANYONE if we never learn how to be peaceful? how can we accept outsiders, when we can't even accept people from different countries and cultures on our OWN planet.
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Re: Haarp: Angels dont play this one! Posted on: 2005/10/21 5:07
Not too shy to talk
2005/10/17 21:13
From Springfield, Mo
Posts: 47
Escape a moon base?lol.. that sounds like atlernive 3, a book written by an investigative gournalist from england, for some bid braodcasting outfit. seems many scientists and there familys have dissappeared and went to a moon base, then from there to mars. Evidently his investigations found out; they are colonizing on mars. This is fumnny cause I saw t-shirt recently that said, send Bush to Mars, I had to chuckle at that one...

Anywho when this broadcasting company went public with this, the governments of england, russia, and america went crazy, and wouldnt let em repeat it again over the air. So this dude wrote the book called, alternative 3. They are using ufos to get back and forth. Hilter was building them at the end of the war. according to my books, Germany went to the moon in 1944, with one of these...Russia, England and America got these scientists and schematics, at the end of the war. imagine that...

By the way David, a prophet is not infallable, we are going to make mistakes..There is to much fallen human element we have to deal with. I know I am not infallable, and I know more tha most.. Just like you two...and others whom the spirit leads here from time to time...

Ezekial 28: 18-20 And God shall cause a fire to spring up in satan, and he shall burn up in front of the saints, and never shall he be anymore.
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