Oneness - True Faith
Sense8 Letter For Lana Wachowski Posted on: 2020/7/9 9:17
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2819
The ideas in your films 'Jupiter Ascending' is my name according to the Roman Pantheon, where Jupiter's name is Zan, so I'm curious if you knew this on making the film?

The Cretans have a tomb of Jupiter, with this inscription. "Here lieth Zan, whom they call Jove." - Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Vol. XIII

In 1999 I was explaining the Matrix In Ibiza to people at the fulfilment of Revelation 5 & 10, which happened at a Doorway to Heaven.

The people who came were connected by entheogens, and for there to be so much synchronicity between us, and for you to make it into movies I'm impressed at your storytelling; this is a universal phenomenon which needs understanding better, which is why I write this for the world and you.

On watching the films, and seeing there is a lack of understanding globally that our brains can all neurologically link. In ancient times we see the Hindu had Soma, the Greeks Kykeon, the Hebrew Showbread, and each was a psychedelic, which increases the creation of neural pathways.

When the pathways of the brain are increased with psychedelics, whilst with neural regulation by a diet containing cannabis the brain will become enlightened. Cannabis contains omega oils to regulate the endocannabinoid system, the brain can then become mathematically dimensionally connected to the Source, as it goes beyond the maths of the Matrix.

We then can become a hive, children have these chemicals in the brain up to a certain point, and many people are just malnourished, because of being fed alcohol which causes neurological impairment, as do many man made chemicals, where we're poisoning ourselves.

Thus thank you for creating a partial education through your films, that helps people choose the magic to experience Alice in Wonderland again...

Hopefully the Matrix 4 finishes the equations.

N B with U
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Re: Sense8 Letter For Lana Wachowski Posted on: 2020/7/11 8:23
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2819
Part of the problem of the 'Smith Virus Vs Neo', it is like a 'Them Vs Us' mentality, is what if the reptilian part of our brain (amygdala) without a fully functioning endocannabinoid system, and enlightened cerebral cortex, mainly has a fight or flight response.

This occurs because of the errors in the flow of data transmitted by the hypothalamus, caused by different contributing factors:

  • Coffee increases cortisol, which makes us have a fight or flight response, so many just panic.
  • Alcohol switches down neural connectivity, like when something is ready to die, as it is rotten matter.
  • Fluoride limits neural connectivity making us more docile, yet more stupid, and inclined to fight over prolonged periods; as anger needs transducing, not suppressing.
  • Cocaine switches down the flow of data from the pineal gland to the epithalamus... Thus the brain thinks, yet it is not properly connected.
  • Lots of trauma in early childhood can lead to repressive thinking, that has to be rehabilitated through entheogens to fix the neural pathways that were never established.
  • etc.

To make a long story short, what if the problem isn't there is suppressive people trying to eliminate spiritual people; what if it is more, some people are stuck in a box...
The more we challenge them, the more they challenge us; as that is all their brain knows (from its driven into an amygdala state), and due to not enough science on brain development, we don't realize if we fixed the state of consciousness, it will automate a better society, rather than fight what is already damaged.

N B with U
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