Oneness - True Faith
Re: The 7th Beggar has Rejected Messianic Prophecy for the Rabbinic Jews Posted on: 2022/10/20 16:43
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2923
Soon prophecy shows that humanity ends, and 7th has permanently decided to go against Jewish prophecy for all the Jews.

According to what is stated because the Rabbinic Rebels have rejected the Biblical standards required, they will be executed for going against it.

7th was asked to share the info prophesied to help everyone, and instead has decided to end your existences instead.

If you would like an opertunity to exist, please feel free to go to his room, and ask him to reconsider.

N B with U
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Re: The 7th Beggar has Rejected Messianic Prophecy for the Rabbinic Jews Posted on: 2023/1/22 10:08
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2923
7th has now banned me from saying the words, "assume" & "lie"; whereas he will often use these words about what I'm saying...

He assumes he has all the answers, and I wasn't taught by God as a child fulfilling Isaiah 28:4-13; like a Parable of the fig before the Great Tribulation, & Judgement Day.

So I've tried to say he isn't analysing the world's religious texts, to see if it is accurate what I was told at 4-5 years old, that my name is in the world's religions as an Archangel prophesied globally.

7th knows I was called "Adoni Melchizedek" by a red Robin in my auntie's Christian book shop garden (Isaiah 46:11)... Where I'd not read the Bible at that time, so hadn't heard the terminology.

He also knows he said, "there are no Archangels that sound anything like Sananda in Judaism", so I looked it up, and realized that Sandalphon in a Kabbalistic structure is Malkuth sent down to mankind.

Seriously if any Rabbis see this post please share it, and come to the chatroom to correct his lack of knowledge globally; else you will not get the warnings God gave me, as he is refusing to fulfil prophecy for you all.

N B with U
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Re: The 7th Beggar has Rejected Messianic Prophecy for the Rabbinic Jews Posted on: 2023/2/9 12:50
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2923
Between 7th's team of Rabbinic experts (OlamChesedYibaneh613, Rav Zombie) they've chosen to reject the prophesied warnings before Judgement Day, for all the Rabbinic Jews.

So when Israel starts this war with Iran (Armageddon), the Rabbinic Jews will be removed from reality for rejecting the Biblical contexts, and God will keep the Enlightened Saints who've respected the Biblical contexts.

Having spent the last 16+ years trying to get 7th to honour Messianic prophecy, his team of Rabbinic experts have dismissed the whole case for humanity; without investigating it properly as the Bible foretold.

As this war kicks off, Betelgeuse will be seen to have gone supernova, and then humanity ends; after God will resurrect those worthy on our Messianic Guest-list, everyone else shall cease to exist.

N B with U
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Re: The 7th Beggar has Rejected Messianic Prophecy for the Rabbinic Jews Posted on: 2023/2/18 9:10
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2923
Seventh's latest ultimatum is that he will not question again, what I'm asking him to look at within the texts to save mankind; unless I get Rabbis or experts with more knowledge than him, to tell him that I'm a fulfilment of prophecy as the global religious texts show.

If I do ask him again to accept what I believe is Jewish prophecy, he will bounce me out of the room each time.

Seventh's pet stooge Olam the Golam, who claims to have a Masters in Talmudic studies, has been brainwashed by 7th to reject what is taking place as a fulfilment of Jewish prophecy before Judgement Day (Isaiah 28:1-23), and instead also concludes it is some religious chatroom debate.

Seventh hasn't looked at 95% of the case of the world's religion, and simply concluded day one, that what I'm saying must be nonsense.

Some of the reasons for this is because he has always automatically rejected Yeshua; where he claims he is down in Hell. Plus thinks that all Rabbinic Jews view that the same; including Rabbi Nachman - when I'd say his stories show otherwise.

Thus instead of 7th fulfilling the part, of noticing it is the Messiah debating the Christians, that they are fundamentally in error as the Sefer of Zerubbabel relayed or helping the Children who lost their Kingdom in the tale of Seven Beggars by Rabbi Nachman; 7th has decided to play the role of the Devil against the Angel of the Lord, asking for the destruction of Israel, to prove what I'm saying is prophesied as wrong.

7th & Olam are insisting that I've got to get the Rabbis to look at what they were prophesied to share with the Rabbinic Jews.

Thus as saying earlier in this thread, as the person sent from Heaven with the name of the Archangel of the Lord; where I believe we can show in the Tanakh that I was King David, Yeshua, and now Zion/Zan.. Where I've always remembered things from two thousand years ago before reading the texts.

We're disgusted by the standards of the Rabbinic Jews online, where I've been treated exceptionally rudely by 7th & his admin, plus, etc.

So soon when the Judgement Day fire comes on mankind as prophesied; please understand these people submitted for you all to be destroyed by God, instead of us all learn doctrine, as was also possible within prophecy.

N B with U
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