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Re: The 7th Beggar & Olam Chesed Yibaneh Have Decided to Go Against God's Warning for Mankind
Posted on: 2023/3/28 7:41 |
Joined: 2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Over the last 16+ years I've appealed to the 7th Beggar to pass my appeal on to the Rabbis, before God cleanses the planet; where I could prove legally I'm sent with the name of the Angel of the Lord, as the person sent having fulfilled the Trumpet before the Great Tribulation & Judgement Day (Revelation 10), to rescue the people from the mess they've caused. Since 7th rejects personal testimony, he has removed in his mind everything I've said God has done in my life, and has rewritten it all. 7th has recruited, and indoctrinated others on Paltalk to go against what has been happening as a fulfilment of global religious prophecy; where because he has a PHD in Kabbalah, where he hasn't read any of the other religious texts in question, he is willing to decide the fate of 8 billion people to be sentenced to destruction. OlamChesedYibaneh is 7th's latest disciple, who has a Masters in Talmudic studies, where he is qualified as a Rabbi; where Olam has also now taken to mocking religious prophecy before Judgement Day. Between them they've made me sick for years, because of making me feel there is no hope in people; where they don't seem to care they're acting like the Synagogue of Satan, against the person with the New name of the Messiah (Revelation 3:9-12).
Re: The 7th Beggar Has Decided to End Your Existence
Posted on: 2023/3/29 17:01 |
Joined: 2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Rather than question Messianic implications, that there is a judgement prophesied on the whole earth (Isaiah 28:22), where billions of people will soon cease to exist.
The 7th Beggar has decided on his own, without really investigating all the world's religious texts, to purposely try to end humanity, and not actually tell the Rabbis what has been fulfilled prophetically. He has also now recruited people in his chatroom to mock the whole concept, rather than question that humanity will be soon wiped out; then after God will only resurrect the Enlightened Saints.
I've warned 7th, Olam, and quite a few others, that they might soon face charges for conspiracy to commit global genocide, and some of them just laugh like the religious texts are some big joke for them to mock.
Unfortunately some of them perceive it is only some chatroom debate, and I'm a nobody; even though what I've been told by God as a child, is prophesied in many of the world's religious texts before Judgement Day.
For anyone reading this, please have a look at all the data on our site, and across the web we've been sharing; live a life for God, and hopefully we will see you in the Messianic Age.
Please feel free to send your religious leaders to ask 7th why he has rejected Jewish, and global religious prophecy for mankind.
Re: The 7th Beggar Has Got Really Confused About the Return of the Messiah for Everyone
Posted on: 2023/5/1 14:14 |
Joined: 2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
To be very clear, though 7th has known for 16+ years that I've stated I've been sent from Heaven; fulfilling Revelation 10 three years before reading the Bible - Where I've known since 4-5 years old, that my name is in the world's religious texts... It is only within the last 6 years that 7th has been told that I've specifically got the name of the Messiah according to global religious prophecies - Where 7th hasn't actually studied a majority of the information required to understand it properly. Over the last 16+ years of interaction with 7th, it has made me look up concepts to an advanced level; where it could be used to create peace among the world's religions, and rectify some of the religious arguments. Just like in the Tale of 7 Beggars by Rabbi Nachman for every disability of the 7 Beggars sent to the Children who lost their kingdom, there is also a profound understanding found within each. 7th has taught me by arguing the exact opposite, there are 7 profound points that could fix religious issues.
- El (H410) is the Source of reality (God) above the Divine Council.
- Elohim (H430) is plural of Eloh (H433), and refers to Avatars/Divine Beings (Divine Council), and not God (H410 - El). Where Isaiah 46:9 says that El is not like the Elohim, pointing back to Deuteronomy 32:7-9.
- Yah is not a shorten version of YHVH; where in Psalms 89:8 it compares, who is a strong lord (Yah) like YHVH. The terminology Yah-Havah is the same as Bhagavan Brahma (Lord of Creation); where Havah (Hebrew) and Brahma (Sanskrit) mean the same thing.
- Yeshua means Salvation (H3444) in Hebrew, and was purposely used as the first naming (Yehoshua) of the Messiah (Isaiah 52:10). When H3444 is word searched, it can open up the Bible contexts:
H3444 (Yeshua) + H1961 (To become) = Exodus 15:2, Psalms 118:14-21, Isaiah 12:2 (2 Samuel 10:11 David Vs Ammon) + Isaiah 33:2-6, Isaiah 49:6, Isaiah 51:6-8.
H3444 (Yeshua) + H7200 (To see) = Exodus 14:13, Psalms 98:3, Isaiah 52:10 (2 Chronicles 20:17 Jehoshaphat Vs Ammon).
- The New name of Christ is Sananda, and the Archangel who is the Pillar on the base of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life is Sandalphon.
- The concept of the 'Messiah' is found in Daniel 9:26, and within the Dead Sea Scroll version (1QIsaa) of Isaiah 52:14, where there is an additional yod on the word 'marred', which then makes it 'I Anointed', the same as in Psalms 89:19-21; where King David was appointed as the Suffering 'My Servant', that some think is ambiguous.
- Daniel 9 interlinks with Jeremiah 25, that the Messiah comes against the boastful shepherds over the flock during; after the Babylonian Exile, and in Zechariah 11 because they rejected the Messiah, the Curse of Moses in Deuteronomy 28 was placed upon Israel. Where in Deuteronomy 28:53-55 it says that they will eat each other's flesh, and in Zechariah 11:9 we saw that happen at the 2nd temple destruction, when they paid 30 pieces of silver for the Messiah.
Re: The 7th Beggar & Chesed Yibaneh Have chosen to Wipe Out the Humanity
Posted on: 2023/5/8 19:47 |
Joined: 2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Olam Chesed Yibaneh & The Seventh Beggar have answered for all Rabbinic Jews, that they are not interested if I've been sent from Heaven to help the people survive the Great Tribulation, and then Judgement Day. I've informed both of them later they will be legally tried, to face prison sentences if wrong, and they do not care the results could be they destroy humanity knowingly. Sorry if since they've answered for all Rabbinic Jews, the events soon happen, and billions get wiped out because of them. 
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