Oneness - True Faith
Re: The 7th Beggar has Rejected Messianic Prophecy for the Rabbinic Jews Posted on: 2023/8/21 17:38
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2931
As an archangel prophesied globally by name before the Great Tribulation, and then Judgement Day, I've given 7th the decision of if to help explain what God gave me to the Rabbis or if to destroy the Rabbinic Jews...

Now based on a vote by 7th's Christian room admin, they've decided to ban me instead of save the Jewish people.

When Armageddon kicks off, I'm sorry for your loss.

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Re: The 7th Beggar is Planning to Murder All the Rabbinic Jews Posted on: 2023/10/17 15:46
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2931
7th Beggar a professor of Kabbalah from New Jersey removed the ban over the last week, simply so he can ridicule me being a fulfilment of Jewish prophecy before Armageddon.

Even though he has not read a majority of the religious texts in question (including his own), he has again stated his opinion is final, and he is 99% sure that he rejects the opertunity that I've given for the Rabbinic Jews to survive.

I've clearly relayed to 7th over the last 17 years, that I've got the name of the Creator in many of the world's religions, and therefore fulfil the person named after the Angel of the Lord; where I fulfilled the Final Trumpet in Revelation 10, three years before reading the Bible.

As a return of King David, Yeshua, and now Zion where my name is prophesied globally I'm slightly shocked that someone could be so full of their own self aggrandizement, that they'd make a declaration to put 15 million Jews to death; yet he perceives because he is an authority over his small Paltalk chatroom, with a bunch of Christians as backup, that he is superior to what is happening in religious prophecy globally.

Since 7th & Olam declared I should write to the Chief Rabbi to get some Rabbinic authority, so that they'd even assess the case properly; you can find what I wrote to Ephraim Mirvis in London.

On telling them both whom I wrote to, they both mocked Ephraim Mirvis as being someone amateurish, and yet this decision on the fate of all the Rabbinic Jews existence, depends on all of them being serious with what is being stipulated.

Thank God I don't actually need to win anyone over to being in the Messianic Age, and it will only be our guest-list as prophesied.

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Re: The 7th Beggar has Authorized the End of the Rabbinic Jews Posted on: 2023/10/26 18:52
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2931
The 7th Beggar was appointed as the ambassador to the Jewish people 17+ years ago, where he has now declared that he is 100% certain that he will never accept my interpretations of religious texts globally; as he has decided without study of a majority of them, that my interpretations are false.

Where when we study the world's religious texts we can show I've fulfilled some of their prophecies before Judgement Day, and therefore according to prophecy the Rabbinic Jews are all to be put to death in the Judgement Day Fire - Which will happen without warning, unless he takes Jewish prophecy seriously.

I'm really sorry to all Jewish people, that he really doesn't care if you all get slaughtered because of him rejecting the fulfilment of the religious prophecies globally for everyone, and have pleaded with him consistently everyday to change his mind; yet he is determined he is right, and that you all have to die, instead of him question religious texts properly.

I really can't believe I'm saying this, as I always thought since 5-6 years old, that some of you'd want to have a chance to survive.

Updated Disclaimer - 7th pleads he does care about the Jewish people, and doesn't want any of them dead. He thinks me claiming to have fulfilled parts of the Bible before reading it, was all my imagination, and it is my own made up religion.

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Re: The 7th Beggar has Decided to End Everyone's Existence Posted on: 2023/10/27 10:04
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2931
7th has now banned me again, rather than even question that he could be wrong about Jewish prophecy, and will not reconsider the fate of the Jewish people & humanity.

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