Who invented this machine? The greatest inventor of all time (my opinion). Nikola Tesla! This mans inventions revolutionized science.
Edison got credit for most of his inventions. Tesla work in harmony WITH nature. He said "If you can figure out 3,6 & 9's the universe is yours. Do you know what he means?
Nikola invented a house that was ENERGY FREE. It ran off the earths energy grid. J.P. Morgan said "As long as there is breath in my body there will be no free energy."
He made good on this. A man hired by J.P Morgan George C. Boldt filed suit against Tesla. Tesla won the case, but went bankrupt doing so. The House was dismantled by various contractors, but through various channels most the technology became property of Raytheon. Who made the Star Wars defensive weapons circling over our heads?
Anyway enough venting. Perpetual Motion Machine. What would that mean to us? Wouldn't have to use fossil fuels to power power plants, or to pump water, no pollution (no byproduct). Where is this machine? Probly the same place a caburator that got 80 miles to the gallon went, on a shelf for futher reseach as we where told. Then as they knew over time people forgot.
Why would anyone do this? Good question. What do you think?