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Frozen Light - The Crystal Lightworker Companion
Posted on: 2006/2/25 8:26 |
Not too shy to talk 
Joined: 2006/2/23 12:22
As lightworkers, many of us will work with the frozen light of nature, the divine crystals. It takes 10,000 years just to grow 1 square inch of crystal so they are very ancient indeed. They are found in the womb of Mother Earth but many are extraterresterial. These frozen light beings of sacred geometry were used in civilisations of Atlantis and Lemuria. They were used for communications, generation of energy, and healing on all levels. Before the destruction of Atlantis, the high priests and high priestesses programmed sacred information into crystals and seeded them for future use, and the time is now. In this dawning of the Aquarius Age, the age of information technology, the crystals resurfaced to provide assistance to human evolution. Being so ancient, having seen and experienced much, crystals are powerful recordkeepers and healers. These records can be accessed by those who are ready, in order to help humanity to evolve. Crystals are solid geometric pattern of light and represents the optimum level of our auras and chakras. It is the physical manifestation of our connection to all that is divine. That is why they are effective in clearing negativities from our mental and emotional bodies which positively affect the physical body and reveal the potential of our spiritual body. The key to working with crystals is to have a strong intention to anchor your purpose as a lightworker. If you are meant to work with them, by divine order, they will find you. All crystals already know who their next keeper will be, an etheric connection is already set prior to meeting. You might feel a strong urge to visit crystal shops, go to the local crystal mines for some digs, or surf online mineral stores. You could almost see some crystals etherically jump up and down the shelf to grab your attention, it could be the crystal name ringing in your head, or just an attraction to a particular piece. The beauty of crystals can be compelling and some of us are initially attracted to its appearance. But no matter what, it will try to get its point across, "Take me home with you, please!" Sometimes, a crystal is meant to pass through your hand to someone in need. You will know it when that must happen because you will feel an urge to give it away, and the intended person comes to mind. Usually, when one starts working with crystals, it is a significant turning point in spiritual grounding. Being of such pure vibration, they help us to align, clear, and energise our chakras and aura. Some crystals like black tourmaline, quartz laser wand, and onyx have protective qualities too. Some protect us from geopathic stress, radiation from computers and electronics. A very large piece of crystal cluster can energise a room, but better not put it in a bedroom as not everyone can sleep with such intense vibration. Small pieces of crystals are usually worn as jewellery, carried by the person, or used as healing tools in crystal layouts. Except citrine and kyanite which never needs cleansing, it is always good to cleanse the crystal that comes to you before using or carrying it with you. Crystals can pick up vibrations along the way from everyone who handled them, and you don't want negative energy staying with it. After the cleansing, charge it with moonlight and sunlight but not under intense sunlight as it might crack or the colour might fade. Care for them how you would like to be treated yourself, be gentle. It is important for us to note while the crystals are our treasured companion, they appear in our lives to remind us to live up to our divinity. They are not here to render us dependent on them. Crystals are our mirror, as beings of pure and focused healing energy. Next post : Cleansing the Crystal Copyright  2005 Lui Man Wai. All rights reserved.
 &  ALways Quote: Who am I? Who are You? Let's have a long conversation without words.
Cleansing the Crystal
Posted on: 2006/2/25 8:38 |
Not too shy to talk 
Joined: 2006/2/23 12:22
Walking along the beach, you see a shiny little pebble and pick it up. After it passes your brief scrutiny, it either ends up in your pocket or back to where it was. Due to the magpie-like tendency in us, we often like to collect shiny things or other trivia. I like to interpret that as the inbuilt mechanism enabling us to invite crystals into our lives, sooner or later. As with the pebbles, we often pick something that appeals to us. It looks good, or simply just feels good in our hands. Thus, when you are letting which crystals to select you as their keeper, go with a similar sense of instinct. If you're purchasing crystals online, your only clue would be the appearance of the crystal and the heartfelt attraction, or moving emotion. Otherwise, if you are right-handed, hold it with your receiving hand, which is the left hand. Feel if there is any tingling, vibration, or pressure with any of your chakras. It will feel right. But, if it somehow makes you uneasy, don't take it for either it doesn't match your vibrations, or is full of negativity. You might think, if this is not right for me, perhaps it will be right for someone I know? But, if a crystal is meant to pass from your hands to someone else, it must feel good to you in the first place. One of the most exciting event for me is when new crystals arrive in my life. Actually, in my family's life. Mom and siblings are intrigued by the crystals and they began to become keepers of other crystals too. I would pore over them like a curious kid, feeling their loving energy, and carrying them out individually with me each day. Before you do that, it is vital to cleanse the crystal first. This is to clear it of any residue vibration of the people who handled it. Apart from clearing probable negative vibration, this step is to ensure that the crystal will work clearer. One important note: Do not cleanse soft crystals like calcite and selenite with water. So, it is vital that you know the physical property of the crystals beforehand. Otherwise, hold the crystal under cool running water for a few minutes, all the time visualising negativity and impure vibration streaming away with the water. Cleansing the crystal in an unpolluted stream or waterfall is fine too, but you risk it being returned to nature. Then, feel the universe's positive energy flowing through you from the crown chakra, and visualise a beam of white light from your brow chakra towards the crystal to further clear it. This would require concentration. Once you feel that the darling is "shining bright", in your own words dedicate it to the highest good of all by divine order. After that, you can also use a singing bowl to attune to and awaken it. For the crystals, it would be like bathing in the OM vibration, which is energising as well as soothing. I've a 7-metal Tibetan singing bowl for this purpose, and also for meditation. Its sound is extremely calming and pleasant, reminding me of Tibetan monks chanting in the highland monastery. Another method of cleansing is to bury the crystal in earth for three days. You can even use fresh potting soil in a flowerpot for this. Then, hold it under cool running water, in incense smoke, and wave it quickly above candle heat. After the darling is squeaky clean energetically, spend time getting to know it personally. Read up its metaphysical property, sense its physical form and its purpose in your life. You can receive information and messages by holding it in your receiving hand, or holding it up to your brow chakra. Sometimes the messages will come through your dreams at night. Copyright  2005 Lui Man Wai. All rights reserved.
 &  ALways Quote: Who am I? Who are You? Let's have a long conversation without words.
Re: Frozen Light - The Crystal Lightworker Companion
Posted on: 2006/2/25 22:31 |
Thanks for sharing that Snow (crystal worker). May your chakras beam with holy light, as it flows from you into the crystals you work with. Every human is a pillar of living light and at our crown chakra, our level of awareness, is reflected by how many sides to the point, is seen.
I probably lost most with that one. Anywho heres a vibration of love and healing, sent to all thru the crystallyne light grid, from my heart to you...May Yashua, along with the Holy Ghost (Shekina or Jesus twin sister)connect to the cosmic throne in heaven, upon which the Father of us all sits, He sits with the Mother of us all (Holy Spirit)(She is the rainbow around the throne) and with that connection beam THAT combined light from the 4 directions, to us all! .peace
This is Dude, I forgot to log in..sorry...
Re: Cleansing the Crystal
Posted on: 2006/2/26 0:22 |
thank you for that information. It was very good. Please note, don't put a fluorite in the water.
Being in the mid-western U.S., having no water falls. I've been taught to use spring water and sea salt to do a good cleaning, then let it set in the sunlight for a day or two and in the moonlight for a night or two to balance the energy. Please correct me if I am wrong.
A great source that many of us use in the mid-west is "Love is in the Earth" by Melody ISBN #0-9628190-3-4
I to collected stones, mostly agates, as a young boy and still have some of them. I believe that society hadn't chased that out of us with technolodgy at ages 3 to 8. All the knowledge that we have inside us at birth. Somethings are universal and never leaves us, it just needs to be awakened again.
God Bless
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