Thank you Dear One,

Dude, for speaking about the Crystals' purpose so eloquently, and for your love and understanding. (Yea, if main page log-in fails, you can log in from There's a fun map there, you can put yourself on the map too, so we know where you are

Much to be contemplated today. I hope to be on the right path. But what does it mean to be right in the first place? Dear Archangel Michael, please enlighten me on this. These days, my body is sluggish and sleepy, not taking deep breaths, basically feeling weak. The spirit is strong, but the flesh weak. I feel like escaping reality some times. I need hibernation, a retreat to restore energy (but reality do not allow, filled with responsibilities, frantic worldly activity), to contemplate my doings; am I being on a path that sways me away from the Light? The path of the Free Spirit, close to nature and the Elemental Kingdom, reveling in the joys of Gaia? But now, Her Body is hurt from the pollutions, wars, unethical minings. The Crystalline Beings are birthed from Her Womb to reveal their brilliance and provide service, but not all humans are sensitive enough to retrieve them lovingly. Mindless blastings abound, and then worse, acids are used to clean them from the earth. It hurts my heart so much for I feel Her pain. So much healing that needs to take place to prepare Earth as City of Light, and the Crystals lovingly asked to be retrieved so that they can serve humanity's healing directly. Even though they knew the perils of unethical mining. So much love from them, so much love from Gaia for enduring the pain in order to show the Light. If you are sensitive enough, listen with your heart for their messages. Isn't it in our conscience to be grateful for such immense love? And have you ever wondered, where does this love come from? Where else but God-Goddess?
These days, from interaction with people, has reflected unlovable parts of myself that seek to be accepted. Being the rebellious me that defy orders, just because of the thought that I should find my spiritual way. I despise following the herd, just because I was born in the herd. Sometimes I feel that mom is so overbearing, vampiristic, and possessive. She keeps on preaching about the goodness of Grandmaster and no other, to the extent that it sounds like blind faith to me. No doubt, in this life it was planned that I start on the path of Grandmaster's showing. And I am most grateful for Grandmaster's blessings. But then, am I not free to also explore other possibilities? Even though I fail, what is there to lament about? It is my choice, and I shall bear the consequences. I agree that I have pride. Can't I make choices and learn from them? I am not a young child anymore, though forever Child of God. But we are ultimately to be co-creator with God and mistakes from choices made are from whence we learn to be wiser. Only then we don't repeat the mistake. Sometimes, we learn from the mistakes of others. But where it is uncharted territory, we have to take the plunge nevertheless.
And then there is the hurt, manipulative part of me that is acting like a cancerous cell.. I know Truth from certain facets of the Diamond, and another knows Truth from other facets of the Diamond. Is the Truth any different even though viewed from different facets? This is the reason I do not like debating, it is a dead-end to nowhere but hurt feelings. The minds argue, and the hearts get hurt. What is the purpose? To me, it is a Satanic ploy to divide our Oneness further. The mind is the Devil's playground. I only ask of myself to stay vigilant, to only be Heart-centred and Soul-centred, which is to be God-Goddess-centred. Thank you dear Archangel. May Love, Peace, Wisdom & Light be with all.
Om Mani Peme Hung