Oneness - True Faith
Angel with a two edged sword 100%
Points Paul fulfils of being the Anti-Christ Posted on: 2006/4/21 9:42
=->Angel with a two edged sword 100%
I will start at the beginning and work my way through, I will not include the scriptures, yet can if references are required as to where I am referencing.

It was made a proverb in Samuel, "is Saul among the Prophets".
This may be an ancient proverb, yet a proverb stands through time, why it is a proverb and the meaning of a proverb is that it remains.
So either God made a mistake or Paul (Saul as his real name is, God doesn't add P's to names, H are added to imply God's breath) is not a prophet and should not have acted like one as he did.

On the same subject, let's go over Jeremiah 23, this defines fake prophets, and how many of these does Paul fulfil? all:
You shall not take your neighbours words as if you own and say God says.
What is Paul's doctrine other peoples doctrine; he has almost copied all of it making tons of errors in quotation in the process and changed many meanings.

Next you shall not say the oracle of the lord as there is no such thing; Paul says the oracle of the lord.

You shall not say you shall have peace and a fake prophet shall say this... Which Paul does? Reason being is peace is something that must be worked at by everyone.

So basically Paul has done everything possible to make it possible to see he is a fake prophet within Jeremiah definition.

Next even though it was before this in Daniel, the Anti-Christ will be against women and not desire them.. Paul tries his best to stop women having any power and struggles over does he want one doesn't he and how it isn't fair how Peter has a wife and he doesn't.

Also in Daniel, he will speak pompous words against the most high and even raise him self up, Paul does this all over, that he has a seat in heaven that he is racing toward this crown he has. As for pompous words almost all of Paul is pompous if you can't see it, have a look at your self then in comparison with Christ (before anyone says, yet Christ is Christ, he told you to be equal and more then him, not less and if you believe that you should be less you are following Paul)

In Zechariah 11, it discusses the whole of inheritance and grace being cut off (words are not translated right, yet the 2 staffs if you translate them correctly are grace and inheritance). It goes on to say how a one of the foolish shepherds to be cut off, goes its own way and leaves the flock.
Paul left Israel, which the disciple where told to attended to.

Habbuck 2 starts with how the proud man gets drunk on wine and gathers the nations to him self, now this is Christ, yet he didn't deliberately say him self in fact if you check he doesn't, he says the son of man will come leaving it open and that Christ comes on a cloud as Daniel does also when the books have been opened.

So on this point Christ isn't the riddle, if we read on through the rest of habbuck 2, we begin to see how it says about them who establish a city on bloodshed and then cause idol worship, that are responsible.
Who did this 101%? Paul! This is Paul's mission, that he must gather all people unto Christ... Why is that so wrong? Christ told people to collect for the father not him self.
So Paul and his gang accomplish what is spoken in habbuck by making a city on bloodshed that idolizes.

Next is two part, we are told that the fake apostle which is Paul
Those who say Christ met him on the way to Damascus, the only person who could prove he was chosen by Christ is Paul him self. Sort of makes it not very convincing when we have so much other evidence against him.

So the reason it is two parts is this, which with the fake apostle we are told that they teach the people as Balaam did, now there is a perfect reference in Micah 6.
That basically God does not require burnt offerings or sacrifices and it would be like saying God sacrifices his own son, to make a sacrifice.
This means that all is God's and to sacrifice anything is stupid, as far as God is concerned as it is his in the first place.
So Paul teaching everyone Christ is a living sacrifice fulfils this and just goes to point he did as Balaam did, yet there is still more to that.

Also with Balaam, when Balaam went to go and do something God didn't wish him to God sent an angel as a donkey in front of Balaam, which Balaam kept trying to go around think it was a stupid donkey, yet after the angel revealed who it was and Balaam realised it was God trying to stop him he repented, Paul didn't.
Now this same story applies to Paul, as again and again Paul we are told face obstacles all the time stopping him, now a lot of people give Paul respect for trying.
If we look at some of the obstacles, who sent them? who controls the weather? To put one of its children into a storm, when they are doing its task???
Yes, it makes absolutely no sense, unless of course the person trying to stop Paul is God and Paul went ahead on his own to prove his own point, as clearly his gospel contradicts Christ completely.

There is quite a bit to this Balaam bit and the last is that Balaam taught Balak how to sacrifice, yet with out the law and the torah, so making it useless as it the knowledge of God that is more important then burnt offering. Which Paul teaches you the complete opposite to and that Christ being the burnt offering is your only way to get to God also saying the law has ended in Christ, don't think we could get more clear.

With in the same parts in revelation we also hear fake Jew, now Paul was not Jewish, yet Greek.

Murder of the faithful martyr, now don't you see how Stephen was known as the faithful one?
Who murdered the faithful martyr, Saul/Paul he lied and cheated to have him stoned to death in front of him and this is the man most of you choose to follow.

Christ's prophesied that the unjust judge would first go to the dry place and then return and find his house clean and swept so he take seven to him self.
Paul is supposedly converted, then goes to the desert for 3 years (dry place), when he returns he finds Simon peter (stone).
This may take you a bit of adding up, yet the stone that lays before Yeshua had seven eyes according to Zechariah.
Now peter isn't a name and means stone, who did Paul return to and talk to after his time in the dry place, a (peter)stone called Simon.
Now either you say Christ made a mistake naming Simon stone, Zechariah made a mistake saying that Yeshua would have a stone with seven eyes or Paul is indeed the Anti-Christ.

Next with Christ bits you will know them by their fruit, well this should be obvious with Paul, and Rome at the time was one of the worst places he could have gone.

Now due to the fact Paul establish the Roman church, they later had the power they need to change time, as foretold in Daniel.
As even to this day Saturday is the Sabbath not Sunday. There is 13 months in the year, set out by God as 365 divided by 28 (moons cycle) =13.1 that means, its is exact, and the current 12 months is to follow Roman gods instead and so changing times.
The destroying of the temple in Jerusalem, if you didn't know about that, it was in fact roman Christians who destroyed the temple, now that really makes no sense, if that is one of the missions of the Bible, is to get this temple built as a centre point for God in the world.

This list goes on and there is a load more I have seen and will add as I remember some more of them that are clear.
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