Oneness - True Faith
Re: End of Kali dream Posted on: 2007/3/25 15:51
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2931
Now after much time to digest:

Kali = Metal = Metal beast of Bible = same thing limitation

Metal beast = Roman Empire = Long straight roads, Taxes, Tolls, Government, Roman soldiers or legionnaires.

Metal beast also = Christianity in the form It has with Pharisee content mainly John (Nicodemus/Nicolaitans + Paul/Saul both Pharisee and false!) = turned Christ into a dragon (is something that makes it self out to have made everything), he never said half of them things if other gospels tally and witnesses differently.

This is very much a biblical interpretation at present as in ending kali which is from the Gita it is someone by the name of Skanda's job... = Skanda is also labelled the Fig and military police which in Pollish = Zandam.

Anyways limitation through separation of east versus west is one part and so why the point to fix is needed, rather then full cause and effect of it. =
Reincarnation in Bible is solid fact,
Taxation of God??
To much religious enforcement cause people to go the other way
(that applies now also to Sikhism and the rest who are meant to have no religious ritual, yet now contain more due to the effects of Christianity)??
"The Faith" enforces that people without a label are in fact none faithful?? which is untrue,
Christians believe all wrong...??
This list is very substantial and lots more to add due to effects of Pharisees and not Christ/Yeshua, who stands in agreement and is a part of it all.

Who clearly stated how when the fig is present, you know the time....

N B with U
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