Doing so much work in trying to increase Xoops system overall speed for all Xoops sites globally!
This site is where much of the changes have been taking place, after first being checked on my home server.
Yet to really get a feel of how it handles with multiple users, that takes allot of people.
so feel free to stay have a look around and then help answer this poll for us, to help us, improve everyone's web experience; as a lot of sites around the world in many different languages use Xoops.
so when the core is mainly in the English language, as is much of the web languages to begin with, it helps having English peoples input.
Now considering the east gave us much of the systems we see, it is the west job to make these more fun

anyways to help more, i need to know anywhere or everywhere, that you feel is sluggish, in any way in comparison with how the rest of the site operates??
As if there is any odd number needed indexing, to include a part/page of the site, this will take a second or two longer then usual.
When we have ironed all of them out, we have the worlds fastest CMS system, built by the world, for the world.
I do love oneness!