Oneness - True Faith
God the CPU Manifesting the Matrix Posted on: 2016/7/13 16:18
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2931
Like to be specific within this idea of the Matrix being reality, need to dissect it more...

Unfortunately The Matrix film has tainted people's understanding of what the Matrix is....

So lets go to the basics first, the Matrix is a mathematical grid for things to exists within.

Quantum physics is mathematically equatable, the periodic table is mathematically equatable, everywhere in reality is the Fibonacci sequence interwoven into it....There are multiple dimensions that are formulated, the physics is coded, etc.

Yet are the lifes we live also mathematically equatable, well some things, like we're attracted to the opposite sex, because the curve design uses sacred geometry, and Fibonacci, so we're find it alluring.

Yet what a boring game, if we're all just robots automated within a rigid construct...Which isn't the case, as all beings have freewill within it.

It is sort of like we're all in a massive multiplayer online game, God/CPU creates the environment for us to play within; yet doesn't choose all of our actions within it.

So when you get your head around that....

Then ideas that say we are God/Brahman/CPU are a bit strange, as that is basically saying you're only part of the machine; what if we're really separate from this reality, and the self we hear within, we've assumed is God/Brahman/CPU, yet is really yourself speaking from outside of the Matrix, trying to guide you through the game.

Now though God/CPU processes everything, and calculates all data; thus has the capabilities for prayers to be answered, and reality to be made manifest by the enlightened users wishes; it doesn't dictate what happens within reality, just maintains the structure of the environment....

Like a massive sandbox, if you've ever played an online virtual reality sandbox game, it is amazingly similar; as characters in the game will create markets, economy, even laws to govern by, just like we do in this one.

So feel free to debate the whole concepts, the flaws or ideas you think make sense? :innocent:

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