Oneness - True Faith
Invite to the Messanic Age Posted on: 2019/4/30 7:51
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2878
When spending to much time arguing with 'people', we can hear the way in which we come across...Please forgive us, accept we unconditionally love you, and mean you no harm.

We're in a war between light and dark, the darkness has taken over our books, and we the children of Israel ('Those who will reign with God'), accept that the religious traditions Vs the books is there to catch out the hypocrites (like it says).

The game of life we're inside of, where the religious prophecies globally are the coding angles, because the game is running, and the players occupy the memory, any changes deletes characters.

When the system changes to Satya Yuga (Age of Enlightenment), all those who have a mindset of Kali Yuga (Age of Limitation) will be deleted.

The prophecies about Skanda are to catch out the demons, 'who seek or out right reject salvation (Yeshua) without a cause' (Tarakasura).

The scroll catches those who are in favour, and those who stand against the Divine; we're not saying we have to read all the books, we're saying make friends with Yeshua, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Krishna, etc (Divine Council)...

Like imagine this is an invite for a wizard's dinner party, and we're looking for a promotion to infinite realm status - where we're then wanted for being magical.

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Re: Invite to the Messanic Age Posted on: 2019/5/4 9:29
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2878
So many fingers pointing, and not a hand to spare... Sent before the end of time helping, with not many who really care.

N B with U
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