How kind of you to recall visits from missionaries at your door. I too can recall such synchronicities many times.
I have danced with Krisna followers, joined in Native American ceremonies, and researched and explored just about every religion and culture, cult and sect I come to know. Curious perhaps... looking more at the similarities and not so much at what separates us. For in my heart we have always remained One. Perhaps it is the bigger picture I seek?
Dwelling within me is a knowing that speaks of a unity of all religions and beliefs. I was a small child upon discovering this and it has held strong and I trust in it.
I liken the missionary visits to validation though. I had been on my knees praying earnestly to God and each time a knock at the door whether Jehovah's Witness or a Mormon missionary would appear. Their presence was never a surprise to me. I would welcome their insight and yet maintain my own beliefs. Listen, serve them and send them on their way warmed, accepted in their beliefs and comforted.
I also fgound myself here not by any mere accident. Guided by an earth angel. I do not forget this...
As servants of God, missionaries seem to be directed in their words, deeds and movement... would you agree?
There is a moment for action. Seize the moment!
It is in discerning this through daily prayer and pondering that we can all be missionaries of sorts and carry the words of God in our hearts, thoughts and actions.
Other times I would be certain somehow the person who brought me comfort, where ever I was that day must have held some angelic quality for indeed they too had touched my soul and reminded me my prayers were heard.
I desire to be an earth angel too who brings hope and validation to another self, just by my presence, peace and through love, eternal oneness. This I desire not out of ego, (Edging Out God) but from a deep place within me desiring to be of serice in some small way within the milky way.
Love and Peace,


