Oneness - True Faith
My UFO experience Posted on: 2005/10/2 0:57
Last night i was blessed with a sighting. After praying for approximately 2 months... almost every night, sometimes for hours, i was finally blessed with a sighting from the one who calls himself God/yahweh etc. Now when i first started trying to do this... i felt nothing, i felt kinda silly actually, but one night i just had this feeling, and this thought "give it time"... so i did... almost every night for the next month i went outside hoping praying and talking about everything that was going on in my life. Then i began to feel something... i'd get a little tired, and my head would start to feel like it was spinning/lightheaded... i thought hmm maybe this is what being psychic kinda feels like? (i had no idea i'm not psychic to my knowledge) Yet i wanted more, but when i didn't get it.. i started to get angry, i got mad and said.. i come out here every night, for hours, and you haven't showed me anything. So i stopped going outside as frequently, and for less and less time. Then, last week... when i was hoping for a sighting, something told me to learn the scriptures more.. appreciate life, just lay in the grass and notice it's texture... and i started to do these things.. i felt a whole lot better, more happy, more living/caring etc. Well this all leads up to last night. As i walked past my back door, something tugged at me, not physically, but mentally, to go outside... and i heard... "just look... just look David"... so low and behold i found myself outside again, praying, and telling about what i had been doing and studying. Suddenly i looked across the street and a HUGE bright light was hovering extremely low... and before i could get a real good look at it, it went behind the trees... so i asked... "Is this it? that's it? i'm not even sure if that was really a UFO... what am i to tell people, that i saw a light go behind a tree?" you know?! then i'd sound like every other UFO lunatic. so i went inside... kind of happy.. but a little dissapointed. Now the reason i know this was a genuine UFO from whomever i am in contact with.. was because i was recieving excrutiating amounts of joy and love, and i was immediatly overcome with goose bumps, and i had a smile from ear to ear. This emotion was instilled in me... i didn't even notice i was reacting this way until i came to my senses. Well... i then went into my front yard... and just started feeling like ONE with nature... just taking everything in.. truly appreciating it.. and again i started to get this tug... so i went to my "calling" spot again. This time... i was givin a sighting i could not deny. There was what i thought to be a star in the Northern skies... and as i watched it.. it appeared to be moving very slowly (it looked like the planet Venus.. but a bit brighter) so i moved to where it was right next to a tree... so i could see if it was really moving or not... and it was.. suddenly it became EXTREMELY BRIGHT... i mean this thing lit up! and again i was overcome with joy and love, and goosebumps, and the smile was back... and as quickly as it was there.. it slowly dimmed out, i could still make out a small black circle in the distance, but it flew straight down, and behind some trees. I was so happy, i gave thanks, and was ready to go inside... but i was tugged at again! i was thinking... geez, yu've already showed me 2 of them! i believe you, thank you! you don't need to show me anymore if you don't want to, save your eneregy or your technology. But it didn't want to... again this extremely bright light appeared.. but this time directly over head of me. so there was no mistaking what it was, it was clearly away from all objects, trees and what not. And it did the exact same thing it had just done, got bright and dimmed out... and eventually dissapeared. Now i feel this last one was just to assure me of what i was seeing... just saying here.. look here i am right up above you, so you have no doubt whatsoever, and i am doing the same things i just did. So i gave thanks... but before i did i gave an oath that i would give whatever message it was it intended to give, and that if it allowed me i would work through it on means of it's power. So with that i have to say... i love you all, and the message was ONENESS... unity... come together, everyone, there is only one God, and appreciate everything you have, because changes are near on planet Earth. I am so excited i bet this document is a little RUN ON... but sorry.. if this happened to you i think you'd be the same way :) there is such power and love with these things.... but it's a process, you must prove your trust and love, and you must believe, and be willing to talk out about it.
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Re: My UFO experience Posted on: 2005/10/2 1:03
Just can't stay away
2005/9/25 0:48
From Stockton California
Posts: 108
that was me sorry forgot to log in... love you all... spread your love :)
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Re: My UFO experience Posted on: 2005/10/2 7:35
Blessed??? Blessed with a sighting???? Got a little news for you, there are no aliens, there are no conspiracies there is nothing! Yep, the world is a dull place, problem is noone wants to admit it. Peaple keep holding on to these dreams and imaginations, nothing but figments of your imagination. I can't believe this, words are worthless because everyone lies, show me, let me see tangible truth and I will believe.
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Re: My UFO experience Posted on: 2005/10/2 19:07
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2931
I and my brother saw a UFO once. We were lying on the beach one night and my brother saw it first; that there was a moving light across the sky. My brother said to me "have you seen that?" I replied it "is probably just a satellite, as you can see them like that!"
As I said that, it stopped darted back across the sky and then forward again; then disappeared like a shooting star would, yet upwards into the galaxy.
I for one have never seen anything else like it in my life!!
When I spoke to my friends about it, they said "yes we saw it as well!!" other people saw it and in fact the whole street of night life, had almost stopped as people watched it in amazement.
So as for sceptics and there is nothing out there other then us, explain that for me and the other millions of people, who have seen things like that?

N B with U
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