Oneness - True Faith
What on Earth is Inflation? Posted on: 2006/11/30 9:52
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2829
When half the world is using it and politician use it, to show off about???

Mmmm, seriously now, this is backwards...reason saying this...

Lost electric during work; so why a pre-payment meter..

When speaking to mum, she said when we had the new meter put in, "it was probably set with the current rates"??
Being the said rate of inflation, as according to our politics....
"The price of things must increase over time...?

That is absolute, blatant scamming of our peoples, for the sake of some people playing a game..
As that is all, it really is, we can see that on computer games, you don't waste poor peoples real money, by over charging for goods....Where prices of things may fluctuate depending on availability, yet they don't generally increase in value, over time....

So my question is this, if in our day and age, the cost of living drops, the cost of producing things drops.....

How and why should it be possible, for someone to alter prices of things? Only so they can show off to other countries, about how big their inflation is..Does it prove anything? No it is all Babylon!..

To any Christians, Muslims and any other followers of the Torah, in context...It is only 10% to the state..We now pay an average of 27% to the state, then 10+% to the church also..It gets worse...Hope some others see how stupid this all is, when we now have free sources of electricity..Yet the prices increase, not decrease?...

With the people telling the electric companies to do this, are basically our own governments, so they can show off like in a computer game....

It suggests the world is maybe if we swap back to gurus showing the state, and not sardus telling everyone what to do....

Inflation = Word meaning Politician with a bigger ego

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