Oneness - True Faith
Re: Evolution!! Did we come from monkeys? Posted on: 2005/6/4 5:09
Not too shy to talk
2005/5/31 2:19
Posts: 32
You know what is cool? I answered this thing online about dna andsuch and found a map. The map showed how different DNAs had traveled. tracing then all back, they cam from the same area. Mesopatamia -Persia-duh, the garden of eden!
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Re: Evolution!! Did we come from monkeys? Posted on: 2005/6/4 5:05
Not too shy to talk
2005/5/31 2:19
Posts: 32
Wow, are you decieved or what? You know if we understood absolutly everything we wouldn't need God until we died. But a can asure you of this, we din't evolve from anything. excuse my typing, me keys stick!

If we did evolve then God mad a mistake somewhere. God can make or destroy anything so waht makes you think He couln't make you?

YOur body has been figured out by science, we know how it works. Yet, after thousand of years we still cann't keep it well, or recreate one. Oh, yeah, cloning. Maybe it has or has not happened. And it is stillup to God to provide a soul for the cloned ones.

The chicken or the egg? Well, duh, the chicken. The bible says that God made every animal and for them to reproduce after their own kind. End of question.

I pray that God will put Himself and His wonderful creation ever before you.

And if evolution were true then look at this. God knew that we didn't have dentists back then and that our teeth would fall out. So he made wisdom teeth so that we could still eat!

If we used to be monkeys and had tails, then at what point did our DNA decide that tails were no longer important aand how did the parent DNA tell the child-to-be not to have a tail or to have a shorter one cause we don't need them so we are gong to start weeding out that little defect. If we could signal ourDNA like that, then we could all be born in perfect health without defects!! ANd all these dogs whose tails we cut should be DNA signaling their babies not to have tails because the master is gong to cut it anyway!
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Re: What about Russia? Posted on: 2005/6/4 4:44
Not too shy to talk
2005/5/31 2:19
Posts: 32
What do you mean? Are they gross or weird or what?
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Do you believe that God turned His Face away from Jesus on the Cross? Posted on: 2005/6/4 4:37
Not too shy to talk
2005/5/31 2:19
Posts: 32
If you look at the psalms in the old testament, you will see that their are no titles to each song in psalms. BAck then they would use the first line in the psalm to tell which song the were about to sing. This has been researched. In psalm22 the first line is what?..."My God, My God, why has thou forsaken me?" If you keep reading you will see that David was singing a prophetic song about the cross. It is the whole story of the time that Jesus was on the cross.

Also, If God had to turn His back on the sin on Jesus then that means that He cannot look at us. He is the Forgiver of all sins great and small. Where does it ever say tht God turned His face or back on Jesus? It doesn't! If you can find it please show me where I will recant! He is the God that cannot fail and He would never fail me!

God was tired of animal sacrifice and some crazy nuts in other babylonian faiths were sacrficeing their kids! Something about a good harvest. No thanks, I'd rather starve! Anyway, God felt like people had grown up enough to be responsible for their own sins instead of making somebody else be the priest. God sent Jesus to be the ultimate and final blood sacrifice. So nobody else would have to die and no more animals. Now we can confess that we believe that Jesus is Lord, that eh was born of the virgin Mary, suffered and died on the cross for our sins an was raised to life again, thereby conquering death, hell and the grave......and believeing this, we will be saved if we confess it with our mouth!

Much easier than all that other stuff! I couldn't kill an animal anyway. poor thing!

So whatcha think?

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