Oneness - True Faith
Religions Posted on: 2005/6/7 16:28

Posts: 0
a poem from my book ponder awhile


The entire Budhist monk's life is but a preperation,
For his deathpoint or moment of seperation.

The Jains have santhara,
Quitting life consciously to join with the paramatma.

Hindus go into samadhi,
Where there is no Congress,Shiv Sena,Bjp or Samajwadi.

The Christian merges with the holy spirit,
Peace ,no more desperate.

The Sufi mystic to become one,
Dances ,twirls,prays,trances to get the job done.

There is no need to change your faith,
And on your old religion lay a wraith.

By mohitmisra
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Re: Evolution!! Did we come from monkeys? Posted on: 2005/6/7 11:53
Not too shy to talk
2005/5/31 2:19
Posts: 32
go to that is a scientific website dedicated to creationism and they welcome inteligent input.

I beg to differ...DNA does decide everything. color of hair height ect... Ever hear of DNA programming? Also, DNA determines certain breeds of cats do not have tail. They were bred that way.

Yes human souls are different because God breathed life into humans. He created us from dirt and by the way, there are 5 differnt colors of dirt-red brown black white andyellow. Dirt has properties in it that according to the type, are all different. There are also 5 different DNA types of people that anyone can trace in there blood. Black, brown red white and yellow. you can og online to genetic DNA testing and they can explain how we all come from the same area of the planet and have migrated. They have a DNA traceing map.

Sorry, but the dental thing is not true because I eat junk all the time and avoid flouride because it is toxic and in 38 years I have never had a cavity. So, God knew what he is doing.

Also, here is a question...which came first -the body or the nervous system? Are we saying that randon organisims and/or cells created or bodies to work in perfect harmony? We can breath, our heart beats and pumps blood throughout our bodies and we think, feel and everything else? What are the odds on that? really? Innumerable. some how our bodies work with every system functioning towards one purpose. Tobe human.

yes God made the earth, the animals,the air breathaable the sun, moon and stars and had it ready for Adam. Don't most new parents do the same-house,crib make the atmosphere good for the child, bring stuffed animals home and THEN bring the baby home? Why is that even a question.

No, I will not let people believe they are related to monkeys. That is what this forum is about and I stand by the obvious. Sometimes people just say that and then later after talking awhile they say this," Well, I never really thought about it much because that is what they are teaching in school" So, look into something when you are questioned without being defensive.
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Re: The Meaning of Life Posted on: 2005/6/7 10:42

Posts: 0
It does apper that wizanda, does keep trying to get the subjected back on track
Very intresting though on both sides
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Barefoot in the Grass Posted on: 2005/6/7 2:33
Not too shy to talk
2005/5/31 2:19
Posts: 32
Across the fields she runs,
barefoot in the grass!
With every step she giggles,
with every leap, she laughs!

The fields are filled with
every kind of trees and lovely flowers,
to count them all would take
an eternity of hours!

Trees clap their hands and sing,
Heavens' air is full of life.
For a moment she's forgotton,
she was daughter, sister,
mother or a wife.

For now, she's just ALIVE!
She's a child in the grass,
until beneath her feet she feels,
gold as clear as glass.

Music now surrounds her,
familiar voices sing,
announcing Praise and Worship
in the throneroom of the King.

She sings, she claps, she dances,
the ballerina twirls about!
In breathless awesome wonder,
Gods' daughter gives a shout!

She'd felt God's holy presence
and His breath was in the air!
She'd waited her whole life for this,
and finally she was there!

His voice like many rushing waters,
caused her to look around,
and suddenly before her stood,
the One Who wears the crown!

For years on earth, all she'd dreamed,
was for strength to stand and run again,
Yet now without a thought,
she kneels before her King.

His love moved like the ocean,
each wave consuming her.
His arms surround and protect,
His embrace the oceans shore.

So while we weep and mourn,
because we miss her in this place,
She's received the gift of looking at
Gods' Face!

Happy Mothers Day, Mom!!!

Dedicated for my mother who had multiple scelrosis and passed away 2 days before we buried her on Mothers' Day,2004.

Thankyou for allowing me to post this in her memory. It has been copywritten and will be in my book very soon.

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