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Re: do you believe in the power of the Holy Spirit? Posted on: 2005/6/4 4:20
Not too shy to talk
2005/5/31 2:19
Posts: 32
My Dear Wizanda,

How precious you are! There is not one soul that I do not weep in my heart over. You are precious and lovely to God. But what is wonderful is that He loves the unlovely and I know a lot of unlovely people that call themselves Christain and even other "tolerant" religions. I am so sad to know that you have been hurt by Christains. It is for us to love on every person. I like to call Jesus Yeshua also because that is his name. Mary called Him Jesus.

We are called to love people into the kingdom. The bible says that the Jews would be provoked by jealousy through the christains to believe. Who would want to be jealous of greedy, hateful and haughty people who only care that they are right. My uncle used to be like that. To have a deep passion toknow God and share the truth of what you know is awesome. But to be overzealous and condemning to the lost is certainly no way to win anyone to the cross!

I feel like the Lord has impressed upon me to pray for you. I think it is great to know about all these other faiths purely because the Holy spirit is present to show truth along the way. But may I offer a word of warning? Please be careful that with all this information, that your mind does not become clouded! I envy your knowledge. I will be reading these other beleifs to discuss them with you.

The Power of the Holy Spirit in my life has been my hope. I have seen the hem of Jesus' garment and His Bronzed feet beside me while I was on the floor in prayer. I was afraid to move when I felt a heavy arm around me. I was given a word that my migraines would be healed and even though it took a couple years, I am healed and haven't had a headache for such a long time!!! Praise Yeshua!

The scripture you have refered to is rather confusing to explain but I'll try. There are a lot of people who go to church and profess christianity and do really good works. But they do not love God they only fear Him and are afraid of hell. They worship God with their lips and their works but their hearts are far from Him. They are workers of iniquity and their works will be burned up in the fires of judgement. That is why Jesus says to depart from him because they are workers of iniquity.

Because we cannot be righteous on or own, Jesus became the lamb. Because, there is not anything we can do (unless any man should boast) to enter into the kingdom, Jesus took our sin upon Himself, took our sin upon Himself because we could never have enough faith on our own to be healed. Jesus became the scapegoat.

By the way,I must argue the point and I will post this question, Do you believe that God turned His back on Jesus because of the sin of the world being on Him? I say No way. I'll explain that in my other post !!!

I love talking to you!

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do you believe in the power of the Holy Spirit? Posted on: 2005/6/3 4:46
Not too shy to talk
2005/5/31 2:19
Posts: 32
I believe in the power of the Holy Spirit for deliverance, healing and the edification of the church. I am baptised in the Holy Spirit, have been given the gift of speaking in unknown tounges, lay hand on people for deliverance, infilling of the Holy Spirit and healing. I have been given the gift of visions adn dreams with interpretation.

This is NOT a boast. God did that. The reason I am bringing it up is this. The scripture that says that in the lasst days, there will be many who claim they know God but deny the power of Him. Many who call Him Lord, Lord but He will say "I know you, NOT."

So, what say,you?

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Re: why do you think Christains are persecuted Posted on: 2005/5/31 21:57
Not too shy to talk
2005/5/31 2:19
Posts: 32
ok, some of this stuff is way out there. I don't believe the bible is incorrectly written. I believe Paul saw he was wrong and lived, breathed and died for christ and I don't see where we can judge such a man.

Of course I have heard of the holy wars. I understand that many religions were forced on people. But FAITH, you cannot force. Every religion has as atroscity. Nobody can be forced to believe. "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God"

People have always been forced to confess a faith that they didn't believe in. That was not the point.

The question was why is the Christain faith persecuted even in american, english and canadian courts, schools ect...

I should have been more to the point.

WE can't have our monuments in the courtrooms but the same forum has jewish, muslim and other religions monuments standing! Our kids are told that we can't pray in school but the law says that we can. American Christians who have been standing up for what they believe in have been hauled into court over and over again.

Believe in whatever faith you want, you are accountable. I am not going to hold a gun to your head to force you to say you believe in something that you really don't! But let us pray when we want, talk about God when we want and have an opinion without being taken to court about it!

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Re: The cause of differences and quarrel among beliefs? Posted on: 2005/5/31 21:36
Not too shy to talk
2005/5/31 2:19
Posts: 32
ok. you are only accountable for what you know and and innocent baby doesn't know anything except that it is hungry, hurting or in some other form of need.

Because we are accountable for what we know, may I ask this? You seem to have a lot of information that did not come to mind to me in the middle of the night so my question to you is,"What are you doing?"

My whole point is that if the world would pool it's knowledge and resources then these problems could be solved.

I am not nearly as ignorant as you might have thought by my quick note. And obviously, I am not seeing everything either.

The poor cow thing, well it is my personal beleif that they are here for many reasons and though it seems obvious you don't eat meat, there is at least one point that we will just have to disagree on. I know that if there were a cow and a child in a burning barn, the child would be rescued first and the cow only if possible. You would act in the same manner. If you believe that the cow is more important then that would be another discussion.

Tell me this, in what religion ( and I know it is either buddist or hindu) that believes in reincarnation as different life forms? Doesn't this faith also teach levels of greatness. That once you were one creature and then another depending on how you led your previous life? Surely we have more value than a cow.

When you set up something to call holy it is idol worship. Does your god think it is a good thing to worship a cow over him? I'm not being a smart alec, I just want to know.

Please answer.
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