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Re: What is a shaman?
Posted on: 2006/2/26 15:12 |
Just popping in 
Joined: 2006/1/22 14:50
Personaly I did not feel any attempt by Suzie to preach or shout the Good News of Shamanism from any Spiritual Butte at all. I found it very neutral coming from deep spiritual conviction and personal experience.
I want to join her drum circle sometime!
"So please be careful how you approach a subject, you do clarify at the end, yet to begin with, I was feeling attacked." Why do you think things need clarification? Her post was a open ended journey through a part of her life I am most grateful to be able to be apart of.
Is not Suzie a member of this sites inner circle?
Smoke a Peace Pipe Pilgrim !!
Re: What is a shaman?
Posted on: 2006/2/26 15:54 |
I don't know, lol
Being a Shaman and playing that level on a djembe, I am normally good at keeping time. Yet this time you got me, Sorry Suzy for answering quickly, you edited it online, oops. Just as the name goes Wiz and a Please don't edit on here, use word as when it gets busier and you do that it can mess threads up like here. As before you started off with how you needed to find a leader, I blatantly refused to do that, that why I rose up like I did. Just I have had my Auntie saying you need to go to church, if I had I would have closed the door to the truth and been lead as blind sheep to the slaughter. I did a couple of times looking for a teacher as such and they spoke such rubbish; I walked out in the middle of the sermon. I hope you understand why I said now, as when you post on here someone will reply, I had to learn to do this also, as I got people getting the wrong idea.
Now I agree that is a beautiful post!
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