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Re: The 13 Dimension and Commandments explained
Posted on: 2004/10/13 13:22 |
Joined: 2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
If you want i can explain any bit
I know i wrote it, yet i find it hard to digest like that
Re: The 13 Dimension and Commandments explained
Posted on: 2004/10/15 20:35 |
Joined: 2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
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Re: The 13 Dimension and Commandments explained
Posted on: 2004/10/18 16:28 |
That is a bit easier to follow, still confusing though!!
Re: The 13 Dimension and Commandments explained
Posted on: 2004/10/20 10:53 |
This post of yours is very well written, and contains much wisdom.
Such as: "Ok, you get hurt and want to say something back, but do you really know where they are coming from? No only god does, can you change their heart? No! you can only change there mind but their heart doesn't change. Only that little voice of god inside them can change them. So lets all leave it up to Him so we can live in peace instead of being 'I' and egotistical for it is all vanities."
So true. Criticizing others is like criticizing the weather. It changes nothing. If anything people get angry, and their defenses come up. Be gentle and show by example.
Another pearl of wisdom you wrote is this: "Meditation is needed ever day in all things as to be in a constant state of awareness, this is need as to be able to be still and trust god in your life."
As in 'Be still and know that I am God'. In stillness there is being only, not being this or that, and in a state of stillness and mere being, one finds peace from the fears of living. But it is very hard to remain in a state of 'awareness' while in the midst of the hustle and bustle of life. We can only try...!
Here's another: "Do not steal. Why steal? If we trusted as a family there would be no need, because there would be enough. Yet we all fall down to the 1st step and go 'I' want it is mine. Now if the universe moves in time and the tress and plants get what they need in due season so do we, patience."
If we realized that karmically, to steal from the universe (others) is only to steal from ourselves, and to give to the universe (others) is to give to ourselves, surely we would never steal! Again though, it's very hard to remember that we probably have even more than we need, since advertising tells us we need more, and more, and more. And we start to feel we're missing something. It's like a falsely induced unhappiness that isn't real.
Very good stuff Wizanda.
If the mind subsides, the whole world subsides...
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