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The Bible has had unconditional love removed from it.
Posted on: 2006/7/18 8:52 |
Not too shy to talk 
Joined: 2006/4/23 10:58
From Heaven
The Bible is in a mess, here are versions of word love that have been put simply And so stolen unconditional love as referenced. A few points to add since feminine love is classed more as unconditional love; as this is like the ways of heaven, that a spirit is born within heaven, yet then comes here. This is the same of being in a mother's womb and being born, that always there is love and separation felt if the children move away from the mother, same applies with God and heaven. Quote: H160 אהבה 'ahăbâh BDB Definition: 1) Love x 1a) human love for human object x 1a1) of man toward man x 1a2) of man toward himself x 1a3) between man and woman x 1a4) sexual desire x 2) God's love to His people Part of Speech: noun feminine
All of these are wrong!!! Its meaning is unconditional love, not love of man, which comes from here. Instead unconditional love that comes from heaven and is the stuff this reality, has been made of. Quote: H157 אהב / אהב 'âhab / 'âhêb BDB Definition: 1) to love 1a) (Qal) 1a1) human love for another, includes family, and sexual 1a2) human appetite for objects such as food, drink, sleep, wisdom 1a3) human love for or to God 1a4) act of being a friend 1a4a) lover (participle) 1a4b) friend (participle) 1a5) God's love toward man 1a5a) to individual men 1a5b) to people Israel = Hawaiian prophecy of water spirit! 1a5c) to righteousness 1b) (Niphal) 1b1) lovely (participle) 1b2) loveable (participle) 1c) (Piel) 1c1) friends 1c2) lovers (figuratively of adulterers) 2) To like Part of Speech: verb
Quote: H7474 רעיה ra‛yâh BDB Definition: 1) Attendant maidens, companion Part of Speech: noun feminine
Quote: H5691 עגבה ‛ăgâbâh BDB Definition: 1) Lustfulness Part of Speech: noun feminine
Quote: H1730 דּד / דּוד dôd BDB Definition: 1) Beloved, love, uncle 1a) loved one, beloved 1b) uncle 1c) love (plural abstract) Part of Speech: noun masculine
Quote: H5690 עגב ‛egeb BDB Definition: 1) (Sensuous) love Part of Speech: noun masculine
Quote: H7356 רחם racham BDB Definition: 1) Womb (noun masculine) 2) Compassion (noun masculine absolute plural intensive) Part of Speech: see above in Definition
Quote: G5368 φιλέω phileō Thayer Definition: 1) To love 1a) to approve of 1b) to like 1c) sanction 1d) to treat affectionately or kindly, to welcome, befriend 2) To show signs of love 2a) to kiss 3) To be fond of doing 3a) be wont, use to do Part of Speech: verb
Quote: G26 ἀγάπη agapē Thayer Definition: 1) Brotherly love, affection, good will, love, benevolence 2) Love feasts Part of Speech: noun feminine
Quote: G5360 φιλαδελφία philadelphia Thayer Definition: 1) Love of brothers or sisters, brotherly love 2) In the NT the love which Christians cherish for each other as brethren Part of Speech: noun feminine
Quote: G5365 φιλαργυρία philarguria Thayer Definition: 1) Love of money, avarice Part of Speech: noun feminine
Quote: G25 ἀγαπάω agapaō Thayer Definition: 1) Of persons 1a) to welcome, to entertain, to be fond of, to love dearly 2) Of things 2a) to be well pleased, to be contented at or with a thing Part of Speech: verb
Quote: G5368 φιλέω phileō Thayer Definition: 1) To love 1a) to approve of 1b) to like 1c) sanction 1d) to treat affectionately or kindly, to welcome, befriend 2) To show signs of love 2a) to kiss 3) To be fond of doing 3a) be wont, use to do Part of Speech: verb
Peace B with U
Re: The Bible has had unconditional love removed from it.
Posted on: 2006/7/18 9:09 |
Isn't it a joke.. Even with out people seeing Christian love is known as Philadelphia.. Which is a running commercial of being not very bright, well same applies with this as in the advert; she keeps Philadelphia to her self and this is equal to Christianity love. That share with only them self's and will refuse anyone else if not Christian as to open their heart. So in that is why the world is getting worse Christianity is causing it and will not accept responsibility, that it is Pharisee and does not follow Christ in the slightest. God work's in mysterious ways, it is about time you lot got with the program.... You are so far removed from Christ him self, he can't come back until the books are fixed due to Christianity!! Not others! As the judgmental are what sinners means, so guess many have fallen from the stone=peter and that was Yeshua who said it, so when Judas was the brother of Simon, who forced Israel under sentence of death to eat meat, who said it was ok? Where did that stem Maccabees that they released in 1977. So how can any of you even say Christian when it is so Anti-Christ... Please realise that is the truth and all can be backed up like this point on love its self. Do not question it, yet find out why? As we finished Revelations, so it is just waiting for you lot now and the door of heaven to be opened yet since I know only 5% of you in Spirit, the rest won't be here if we do, and so as such we do feel we would like to help all understand as God is all forgiving and understanding even if you lot aren't.
Re: The Bible has had unconditional love removed from it.
Posted on: 2006/7/18 10:28 |
The bible has had anything positive/evolutionary removed from it
Re: The Bible has had unconditional love removed from it.
Posted on: 2006/7/18 11:12 |
Very true! Considering how much a lotus flower looks like a woman, then how will we ever find wisdom with out our books written by women to understand them, that should be in the Bible as we speak, yet nope suppress women and the worst is most don't even know. Lol So give women back their respect as prophetess and teachers of man also and we can start to get this world back on track. And according to texts that are there... After the rapture should remove all judgemental and all that can't understand enlightenment, so should be fun after and many of us see this. Even if it takes longer we can always try getting the real truths back again and start where it was stolen i.e. genesis lol is atomic theory and quantum sciences we see from latest scientific research, so how much has been removed is my quest-ion..
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