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Re: Why Christian means to be on cannabis
Posted on: 2005/3/7 15:41 |
Re: Why Christian means to be on cannabis
Posted on: 2005/3/11 11:40 |
Re: Why Christian means to be on cannabis
Posted on: 2005/3/11 14:45 |
Joined: 2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Thanks for that bit of info if you all so check the previous word you will find it is: Kaneh.......-bosem Quite clear i think Canna-bis Unless a university of hebrew langauge is mistaken The truth is being covered up and causing detramental effects in all christian countries. Peace B with U
Re: Why Christian means to be on cannabis
Posted on: 2005/5/29 12:57 |
lol. I've made up a few like that before too, but never heard of that one. It's pretty funny (unless you actually believe it). Just to make sure the record is straight:
Christ = Messiah = Anointed One Christians = belonging to Christ
It's just a tad of a strech to take a receipe for perfum from the Old Testament (which was for objects, not people) and say that it relates to all Christians.
Christ was anointed with the Holy Spirit. His feet were also anointed with perfum at one point. Early Christians were anointed with fire from heaven. No room for drugs here I'm afraid.
Another thought: One of the marks of a Christian is meant to be self-control, not relinquishing of control over themselves.
Knowledge of God's Glory B 2 U (Romans 1:25)
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