Oneness - True Faith
What would be the best political system? Posted on: 2007/4/22 20:47
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2825
True democracy would be where we all got to vote online and all have a fair say about our own life's, else to me current democracy is merely like the roman senate (metal empire/ Kali).
Also to pay people to do a job they should want to do, is again a flaw in logic, there are always to many private motives to serve.
Taxing peoples so much means they do less for the state, because of free will and so expect all should be done and looked after for them and so do half of the amount they would if not in this type of ruler-ship.

To me the best would be Liberal open communist democracy, as in that we would all work and live for our state of well being; as we all get a say what happens to us and why any sort of communism has failed previously; the measures weren't set in place for a form of dictatorship to not happen later.
Yet communism under democracy without a powerful leader would mean we all would have the best for our self's.
As we would care about our self's first, which then would spread into caring about how other's interact in our communities, as it is then all ours to keep how we wanted..not "theirs" as it does feel currently in all our countries....

All of that stems from the small book in Revelations 10 = Tao Te Ching which is the best poetic book ever written on the systems of politics, from a proved kept and maintained system.
It was Lao Tzu's Job to be advisor and sage to the emperor and so the information he has written is years of practise.
That is why the small book is referred to as sweet to taste as it is poetry, yet bitter in stomach as if we did this before, we would already have peaceful nations.

That is also what Yeshua was implying, if you have nothing, then what would Caesar
have and the disciples had succeeded in 3000 peoples + all joining, yet Saul came along murdered everyone and then claimed he was their friend, so he could re-write it all to Pharisee likeness.

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