Oneness - True Faith
What is a shaman? Posted on: 2005/7/30 14:04
Just popping in
2005/7/24 15:20
From Abbots Langley
Posts: 7
'A shaman can be broadly defined as a person of either sex,who can perceive the world of spirits and by entering a trance;journey to another reality,to communicate with its inhabitants and to gain spiritual knowledge.'

I am another one of yourself....
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Re: What is a shaman? Posted on: 2005/7/30 18:02
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2932
Thanks Salishan

You seem quite aware, do you know any shamans?

I feel to many times shamanism is assumed to be witchcraft/dark magic.

Most shamans in todays world have studied many religions, yet alot will give them self no label.

I know many shamans who play instruments, and are of the light.

They can feel what other strong consciousness`s, ask to be played and can change the music to the feelings of the people.

Here have a listen, these are friends of mine, and my favorite band!

Hilight Tribe

Are you american indian?

If so do you know the prophecy concerning the light warriors or rainbow tribe?

N B with U
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Re: What is a shaman? Posted on: 2005/8/1 18:50
Just popping in
2005/7/24 15:20
From Abbots Langley
Posts: 7
Hey Wizanda. Loved the music! the prophesy of the Whirling Rainbow,tells of the time of the White Buffalo. '...the third generation of the White Eyes' children will grow their hair and speak of love as the healer of the Children of Earth......They will seek the elders of the Red Race and drink of their wisdom. These white-eyed children will be a sign that the Ancestors are returning in white bodies,but they are Red on the inside.' This refers to the time of flower-power,that has already taken place. The generation to follow,will witness the Fifth World of Peace. This incurs many changes to soil and water. This inturn will create the quickening and remembering. Dreams brought to these Warriors of the Rainbow,will help them to walk in balance. This will eventually give rise to understanding and unity of One Planet-One People. The appearance of the Whirling Rainbow,will be as a Sun Dog,(a rainbow circle around the sun,with bright lights at the four directions).This will be the sign that it is time for sacred teachings to be shared with all races.

I am another one of yourself....
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Re: What is a shaman? Posted on: 2005/8/11 18:27
Just popping in
2005/7/24 15:20
From Abbots Langley
Posts: 7
The word,'shaman',derives from the Tingus tribe from Siberia. It means healer and magician. For many centuries,Russian excursions to Siberia had taken place and during the nineteenth century,writers of Russia, used the word,'shaman', to describe the healers of the Siberian region. The term slowly spread from Russian literature and was used to describe other similar spiritual systems of a tribal nature,all around the world.

I am another one of yourself....
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