Oneness - True Faith
Re: The 13 Dimension and Commandments explained Posted on: 2005/10/18 3:59
Hi Wiz, i am curious if ya could give some more info about this 8th grid. You said it sounded like the real time zone, where this target army hides in. I think thats wat you meant, isnt it? If so, then plaese tell me what you remember, if ya can.. Thank you.. Shucks, this is dude here, I forgot to log in...
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Re: The 13 Dimension and Commandments explained Posted on: 2005/10/18 8:36
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2878
Me personally since dieing it stop my fear of any army, devil ect as there isn't one!
When I say the 8th dimensions/Plain of existence, I mean as in the 8th dimension is infinity.
Any shaman will tell you that the grid is a way to transcend time and that is the 8th dimension. As time on the 4th is in linear time, as we are in the boundaries of matter and gravity.
When you are above the 8th you can change things, as if they have always been that way. This is why the commandment is do not steal, as always God can change time and make it appear as a coincidence.

N B with U
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Re: The 13 Dimension and Commandments explained Posted on: 2005/10/19 1:48
Not too shy to talk
2005/10/17 21:13
From Springfield, Mo
Posts: 47
Thats interesting Wizanda, I am slowly looking at your stuff, there is so much. But so far your quarks, lines and patterns you have seen when ya died, remind me of the barriors seperating the different astral planes, or dimensions. EFrom what I understand, each level has a pattern of somekind, that has to be crossed before you can enter that level, unless you go thru a wormhole!. I have a book with one of the patterns on it, of a dimesion higher than earths.. It looks like a grid, with perfect squares, in the squares are flower looking patterns. If ya enter the center of the flower, you come to the capital of that dimension, or reality. If ya enter around the center, you enter one the other side various citys and towns. If ya enter thru a petal of the flower, you enter into the countryside of that reality, ect..

Now if ya vibrate at the highest levels, you pass all dimensions or astral planes, and enter pure spirit, which is totally different. From what little I have read from your experiences, it sounds like you visited several places, not just one. I will continue to study your material slowly, and if the spirit hits with something, I'll share it with ya.

I do have to ask you, why you think there is no devil? do you mean there is no Lucifer, or no satan? Christianity places all three of these as the same entity. The ancient Hindus talk of going "out of the body' to a place of darkness and evil entitys. The Apache indian shamans know about this too. These are the lower astral planes of darkness.

A person who is good, will never see these unless you used intent, to go there and see them. Otherwise your character takes to the place you are magnitzed to, in your personality.. I personally do believe there is a devil. I have had something materilze and try to destroy me, and his name was Lucifer/satan. Now thats my experience. So back to the question, why dont you believe in the devil? peace

Ezekial 28: 18-20 And God shall cause a fire to spring up in satan, and he shall burn up in front of the saints, and never shall he be anymore.
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Re: The 13 Dimension and Commandments explained Posted on: 2005/10/19 22:06
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2878
If you wait about 3-4 days I am writing up a full descriptive account of what I saw and how everything looked.
You are right about the frequencies as the higher you pass through these levels of strand the lighter it gets. Till you pass into a place that has transcended matter, i.e. heaven or its true name oneness, made up of wisdom and love.
The reason I say there is no devil is, I didn't see one all I saw was people with ego in hell; there was no super power opposed to God. As even with hell (the depths, lowest frequency) God still has full control and is everything. Without God there would be nothing, so there is no where any force opposed to God can hide.
Have a read of this thread
Who or what is the devil! ???

N B with U
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