Not too shy to talk 
Joined: 2005/10/17 21:13
From Springfield, Mo
Yep, you are geeting a good dose of knowledge David.. Its my understanding that last year, heavons forces started pushing satan, and his created entitys and empire; they are being pushed out of our universe, and several astral plaNES. THEY ARE BEING PUSHED TO EARTH, DAVID; THE FINAL BATTLEGROUND, OR ARMAGIDDEN. I dont know how many years its going to take. Our universe is pretty big..
This info about this war, that started last yr is put out by the goup who go by , The keys of Enoch.. They are very metaphysical and Yahshua oriented. JJ Hurtech was supposedly contacted in the early 70,s and given truths, Or keys; to prepare a group of people for the arrival of the New Jerusalem. I have found two other groups that Heavenly forces are preparing also. The living wavesheaf and those at Weslaco, Tx. These groups dont know about each others, but I know about all 3 of them. There are probably more too, that heavens forces are preparing.
All these various groups, who dont know about each others, will be brought together when the New Jurusalem lands on earth. At least thats the way it looks to me. All of these groups have had fantstic UFo encounters, that cant be denyied. Two of them have "contact", and one of them is the living personification of the Fathers and Mothers essence. There are 2 high priests in the old testament who always did the rites. Ther is to be two high priets who are an anti-type of this, in the last generation. One will be male, and the other female; to adaqualty represent the God head in its fullness. Ufos constantly watch these two all the time, as the end draws nearer.
The ODF, or Outer Dimensional Forces, are made up of heavens ufos. They number in the hundreds of thousands, if not in the millions. Its my understanding many of them are now lined up at the north and south poles, to keep the axis from shifting any farther. In the near future, they will shift the axis back to where it belongs, probably when the new Jerusalem comes to earth. Man there is so much info about this now. I cant believe how blessed we are.
Regarding religion, dont fret to much about it.. Just be a good person, following the example of Yahshua, thats all you need. Its about love, and peace, and joy!! God bless you David, your one of a kind! Aint we