Oneness - True Faith
The cause of differences and quarrel among beliefs? Posted on: 2005/5/30 18:52
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2931
As far as i can see from my own life, i haven't need any books to learn what is right and wrong, it has been inscribed on my heart.
I presume this is the same for all, you feel when something is unjust.
You don't need to be baptized by water, the holy spirit is far stonger and is everywhere.
Water is a symbol of what the holy spirit does, so that the weak in faith may believe.
if you feel you are wrong, repent and live acording to the precepts that you will be shown through life, of what is right.
God teachs all, man and books only teach a few in comparision.
As for Yeshua bridging the Gap, he did by showing us how to live, the way.
If people choose still not to follow that way, then they will come back again, till they learn and it gets harded plus they are taught in a diffrent way, so they learn.
If you don't believe in reincarnation, explain how buddah's are found? and how i have met many people, who i have know from past lifes?
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The cause of differences and quarrel among beliefs? Posted on: 2005/5/31 3:29
Not too shy to talk
2005/5/31 2:19
Posts: 32
If there would be only one faith, then there would be no reason to argue about anything. We couldn't argue right or wrong, good or evil, heaven or hell. Sounds very unitarian/universalist to me. That is what my brother is. I am currently a member of the Assembly of God in Saraland, Alabama. My background is Presbyterian(can't spell that!), Baptist, Quaker, Methodist, Lutheran, Covenant, and Churchof God. So there are many doctrinal issues that I could argue with myself about. Or, I could call every former pastor, reverand or whatever and have a very long heated discussion about all the differences just in the christain faith.

I didn't bother reading all the long comments just now but I will when I get finished with this commentary of my own.

I believe the one thing the devil loves is to cause confusion. He is the author of confusion and that is one of the names he holds. On the other hand the Word says that Jesus is the author and the Finisher of our faith.

Another thing is that why would the devil cause trouble for people who are not doing the right thing? They are not messing up his plans! So if somebody is Hindu and somebody else is buddhist then they are not interfereing with what the devil is doing. But if you notice, anyone who spouts the name of God or more especially, Jesus, they are under constant persecution. They have to meet in private underground places in many countries. and many are shot.

The biggest differences that cause quarreling amoung faiths are the name of God or Jesus and the ignorance of people who blindly follow their leaders without researching their own religion. Check out the history of the reformation of the church. Martin Luthor (not King) was a catholic who discovered that at that time, the church was very evil. The folks at the top were so intent on being at the top, that they would not even allow the peasants to read or even own a bible. They taxed them and stole their lands ect... Martin Decided after much prayer and fasting, to translate the bible into several different languages and to offer them to the people. Read the rest for yourself, it is great reading. Anyway, I'm saying it is foolish of anyone to just believe what they are taught. Back it up with the word. Do your own research. There is a book called "Evidence that demands a Verdict" It is one of those atheists that tried to prove the bible wrong and discovered truth.

You see, faith doesn't cause arguements, religion does. Do we not fight in our daily lives even about mundane things that we do differently from each other? So and so, homeschools, somebody else sends their kids to private school and others go to public school. We can sit here and argue the good and bad about each of them until we are blue in the face. But the chances of ever changing somebody elses mind are pretty slim.

All you need to know is this. Jesus said,"I Am the way the truth and the life, NO ONE comes to the Father except by ME."
So, talk to Him about it.
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The cause of differences and quarrel among beliefs? Posted on: 2005/5/31 4:00
Not too shy to talk
2005/5/31 2:19
Posts: 32
Alot of people ask that question about those who never had a chance to know Jesus and they die- where do they go? I learned along time ago that God gives us clear indications of His presence. The whole of creation to start with. I believe that in todays world most people have the availabilty to know Christ. But for those who don't Godmeasures the faith of those who are faithful to what they do know. One who prays and seeks the truth will find it. Do you know that it many muslim countries that Jesus is appearing to muslims in their dreams and they are comeing to a saving knowledge of christ.

Yes, alot of people suffer and starve and meet very terrible deaths. Well, all of this began when sin began and we started making alot of wrong decisions. We don't eat what is good for us and we breathe fumes that other of ourselves have created and we get diseases. We get drunk and drive into innocent people and kill them( decision a person made, not God) Whole countries starve because they beleive a cow is sacred and they feed thousands of them instead of eating them. They don't know how to farm because they need other people like you and me to give time, money or knowledge to plant or provide water. They drink nasty water tht makes them sick and they die because we don't do anything to help. Yes, there are folks in our own backyard that need help too, but some people are called by God to go and help those others who don't know Him. These same people also have achoice wether or not to do what they need to do. See people choose. Don't blame God. Yes, He can fix it. Let's just say that with one word, He did.
Okay, Millions of people who don't know him would say that their gods did it or maybe it was an evolutionary leap, or man is so wonderful that we don't need God.
If you are lost at see, don't you hope for a light house to show you they way home? In that same manner if allthings great or small point to God and He gets the Glory for it do you not think that He would show you the safest way home?
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Re: The cause of differences and quarrel among beliefs? Posted on: 2005/5/31 13:47
The question of what happens with a newborn who dies suddenly.. hasn't been answered. Christianity cannot answer this question without throwing a lot of believes and inconsistencies.
You mentioned: " Whole countries starve because they beleive a cow is sacred and they feed thousands of them instead of eating them. They don't know how to farm because they need other people like you and me to give time, money or knowledge to plant or provide water. "

The whole world is being depleted of natural resources because some people belive that cows are "toys" and they don't suffer. It takes 2500 gallons of water to produce a pound of meat. It takes 25 gallons of water for a pound of wheat. only 2% of the water in the earth is drinkable... Land erosion is another consequence of using land for cattle so some people can enjoy a "big mac"... Other countries know that a cow gives different things to men. Milk, and milk products, leather, even cow's dung and urine is used as medicine... to kill a cow just to have meat for one day is not only irrational but morally wrong. Someone that cannot see suffering in animals is completely blind...

Your idea of those people "who don't know how to farm" is completely wrong. It is time to see the world as a big picture.
Overpopulation and the fact that money "talks" are the main causes of not using the land for farming but rather for other things that are believed to bring money (supply and demand). Greed and no the lack of knowledge is the cause of this problem.

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