Oneness - True Faith
666isMONEY Posted on: 2007/6/6 5:48
Just popping in
2007/6/6 5:40
Posts: 1
"No one buys or sells without the MONEY of the beast on/in mind or hand." --Apocalypse

"You Can't serve god & MONEY for U will either love the one and hate the other or U will old to the one and despise the other" . . . but the Pharisees, who loved MONEY heard all this and scoffed. --Luke 16

R U scoffing?

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Re: 666isMONEY Posted on: 2007/6/6 12:44
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2931
Ok though I agree on your point of Mammon is money......

It is also far more as well....

Mammon is in the Gita and so Yeshua also was speaking as Yeshiva (Shiva)....

So the meaning given to Mammon is two part.....

First ancient Hebrew goes like this
M = Chaotic, strong flowing
A = Strength added as a Vowel to constants makes it Strong chaotic flow.
M + M = More Chaotic flow.
O = A grouping of something.
N = To continue.
So from that, we have a word implying Chaotic living.....

The next part is as the Gita describes it as idolatry and Babylon teachings as such or Kali (Blood drinking I Am, self preserving entities)....

The Mother of all harlots is basically Christianity....
it does not follow Yeshua teachings...Matthew, Mark and Luke tally.
The Pharisees do not and are John, Paul and Simon the stone (peter)...they teach as Balaam would and it is not right to say God would sacrifice or murderer...

666 means a few things also:
6 in Hebrew numerology means man, 66 is fallen man, and 666 is man trapped by man.

The arguments between the denominations are because one group have 80+ books in their Bible..... which are all required to understand it and the rest have been given 66 books.
Which do not contain women, sexuality and other points, that they thought we didn't need to the abomination of desolation, already having taken place and released in 1977, being the extra books of Maccabees 3/4.

6 is also a dimension and commandment, that is reiterated again and again in the Bible; that do not kill as all is matter and so if you eat death, you also become it.

We have many points of Anti-Christ teachings that are on 6:6...
Numbers 6:6 no dead animals for a Nazarite.
Hosea 6:6 Christ asked for mercy and not sacrifice, meaning the knowledge of God is more important, then all the burnt offerings.
Micah 6:6 definition of Balaam teachings is to say God would sacrifice his own son.
There is likely to be loads more, yet these I keep posting so often lately.....

6 neutrons, 6 electrons, 6 photons is all carbon based life forms, so those who don't understand the 7th dimension is consciousness and so all you think that isn't loving God is adultery.

So to summarize this 6th dimension is all matter, 7th is anti-matter and so all those who can't realize that life its self started from consciousness, are not real in God's reality.

N B with U
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