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Posted on: 2005/10/14 20:26 |
Just popping in 
Joined: 2005/6/23 11:55
I ask for a brief answer; can you build a building without ground floor? you cannot. how can you build a theory without explaining the origin of first living organism? Give me a logical answer
Re: Evolutıon????
Posted on: 2005/10/15 3:35 |
I Dude here, I am not sure wat your looking for. But evolution seems to be a hoax. I personally have been to Glenn Rose, texas; and seen petrified dinosaur and human footprints in the same mudflats.
Evolution has humans and dinosaurs, millions of yrs apart. The smithsonian came and bought a buch of these petrifed artifacts, and evidently destroyed them. Because they have never been seen since. Also the national geographic goes around and buys stuff proving creation, and destroys that too. Its never seen again.
Science can, and has proven creation. But satanists controll education and wont let this info out. We are in serious trouble. We cannot compete with trillions of dollars, used to by education and scientists, and used to destroy artifacts that prove the bible and things like that. Satanists must be infiltrated at all levels of society, to keep up the lie of evolution, while buying up and destroying proof of creation. Only God can set this right. But when he comes back, whole nations, if not whole continents might just dissapear underground.
What exactly are you looking for? You know they found Noahs Ark on Mt Ararat. Its been on discovery a couple of times. Did you know that?
Re: Evolutıon????
Posted on: 2005/10/15 5:06 |
Dude, this is David... i have seen that on disc. chnnl. but i've never seen where it says they found it.. everything was inconclusive, and in the end, the black spot the radars picked up, was just a rock... :-/.. Evolution.... hmmm a hoax... not at all... mutation does occur, but straight evolution just from nothing into an animal does seem a bit hard for me to wrap my mind around. Jus make sure when you tell someone evolution is fake, that you elt them know natural selection is truth... and natural selection is a direct cause of mutation of species because of environment or living habits etc.
Re: Evolutıon????
Posted on: 2005/10/15 5:08 |
just want t add an example.... if the environment suddenly dipped 10 degrees worldwide for the next 10 million years, you'd better bet your bottom dollar humans would start to develop a lot more hair and thicker skin.
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