Oneness - True Faith
Re: Listing 7th Beggar's Fault Appraisal of What is Happening Posted on: 2023/5/12 8:34
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2878
1). I'm down here near Hell to serve the verdict God gave us, before everyone's execution.

2). I've explained the standards required within the religious texts to 7th, to maybe lower the sentencing for some of the Rabbinic Jews; who God has already prosecuted for having lied to humanity.

3). I don't need to get Rabbis to convince 7th, before the Judgement Day Fire happens.

4). I do care about the beings with God's light within them, and are less concerned about the many who've already failed the religious exam.

5). Performing miracles doesn't prove the religious legislations.

N B with U
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Re: Olam & 7th Beggar Don't Mind If They End Humanity Posted on: 2023/5/22 13:05
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2878
I've asked Olam Chesed Yibaneh & The Seventh Beggar to look at the case of the fulfilment of religious prophecy globally, and neither seem to care if they'd put 8 billion people to death.

They both refuse to acknowledge all of what is stated, and simply argue how their religious beliefs are superior to what I'm saying is being fulfilled.

Rather than even dealing with what is going on, since they have administration they take to bullying out of even responding fairly, and seem inconsiderate they might end the human race between them.

If anyone is qualified enough to understand that religious prophecy is being fulfilled by me, I'd ask you to come find me on any social media system, and we can discuss all the details, as currently these two don't care if they'd murder you all.

N B with U
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Re: The 7th Beggar Won't Reconsider He is Causing the End of Your Existence Posted on: 2023/8/2 17:47
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2878
The 7th Beggar has asked that if he was to win the New Jersey Lottery (where it has rolled over for many weeks), he will reconsider where I fulfil Jewish prophecy, and many of the world's religions before Judgement Day.

If 7th doesn't win, he is leaving all the Zionist/Rabbinic Rebels to be slaughtered in Armageddon, and doesn't care to tell them that I've fulfilled the Trumpet warning before the Great Tribulation. As Armageddon kicks off according to prophecy, Betelgeuse will be seen to have gone supernova, and then mankind will be wiped out.

Thankfully this was all already prophesied, that the fake Jew of the Synagogue of Satan would argue with the Messiah before Judgement Day (Revelation 3:9-12); then after according to prophecy globally, we will only keep the people in our Messianic Guest-list.

I've now insisted for over 17 years that 7th gets his religious experts to deal with the religious prophecy globally (which he refuses to look at properly), even though he has answered for 8 billion people to be put to death.

Since 7th will only listen if he gets some miracle, like he wins the lottery or I get experts to confirm his role in Jewish prophecy, then mankind will soon end, and prophecy was fulfilled to the letter.

N B with U
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Re: The 7th Beggar & Olam Plan to Knowingly Murder Humanity Posted on: 2023/8/17 11:29
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2878
Even though Olam Chesed Yibaneh has been informed that soon Armageddon will happen, as the Pharisees (John, Paul, Simon) made up Christianity to deceive the nations, and then Betelgeuse will go supernova, he mocks the whole concepts within prophecy. Where he really does believe he is not responsible to tell any rabbis that their religious texts are being fulfilled before Judgement Day.

Even though he is legally trained, he doesn't consider murdering 15 million Jews as a crime against humanity, as The Seventh Beggar has made him believe it is only a religious debate that he can win; so regardless if humanity soon gets wiped out, he doesn't need to consider the realities happening, as "this is just my religious belief that I fulfil prophecy globally by name."

7th hasn't won the lottery as some miraculous sign that the Bible prophecy is happening, and insists unless we get experts to assess that what I say about the Tanakh is accurate, he will leave 8 billion people to cease to exist.

7th excuses himself of being responsible, as he claims from the limited part of what he has seen of all the prophecies I've stated, he is going to reject the warnings God gave me for all 15 million Rabbinic Jews, and now Olam has acted as a second witness within that decision to execute the lot.

Both of them have been informed I'm purposely named after the Angel of the Lord, and a return of King David; yet neither of them in a legal situation would be able to justify most of the detailed case within the texts.

If anyone important enough reads this, we need to do something, as I appointed these clown 17 years ago to warn the rabbis their prophecies are being fulfilled, and they both just obfuscate, whilst making a decision for all of you to be wiped out.

N B with U
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