Oneness - True Faith
Re: The Meaning of Life Posted on: 2005/2/16 16:34
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2924
Very interesting read, thank you for posting!!
I agree in some sense's yet if you read my post on the 13 dimensions and commandments, you will see where i found them and why i say they are as they are
you are right scientist do stop at matter
that as far as i can see is the 6th dimension, yet when i died i saw there was more
then later through God showing me the rest i begun to understand the rest of the 13 dimensions
The universe is created, when i died i saw that the whole universe is made of quarks, quarks are spirit and all that does exist
dense quarks with out much vibration are hell/valley (was the original word in Hebrew)
High level quarks have transcended the other dimension and matter and are heaven
it took me a while to make sense of it, from what i had seen when i died
The 8th dimension is infinity and cylindrical as you say
yet the 9th is chaos as it is out side of a time frame and isn't created yet,as stated in the I-ching
so the universe is in a continues state of unfolding and being created
the reason i say it is created, is there is to much that is unexplainable
i.e. most things function correctly at a sub atomic level
if it hadn't been created even after millions of years, i doubt we would be able to say this carbon and this is hydrogen
as all would be ever changing
also there is many things that function in symbiosis as if made to function together
even with evolution and things learning to adapt this wouldn't happen as well as it has
only reason it is hard to see is we are making a mess of it
also many creatures have missing links within the evolution theory. No animal similar
Also if all is quarks, in the beginning as many beliefs say, there was nothing (in a sense)
all was chaos, you could say it was matter and anti matter mixing with out any organisation
then from with in this something caught a part of existence, i.e. God
from there he wished to see what he/it was so he made a reflection of him self and then another
why the bible says us, in genesis.
the reflections where wisdom and and the beginning of all
isn't genesis easier to follow then this? lol
then from there, structure for how quarks would interact was created
this has unfolded into how we now see things
this is from something i was shown and also how our brains and babies are born, from cell creating another to make its self
if the smallest things in the universe work on similar principles, so do the largest, so we can see many of the ways of God from what we live in.
this is true Zen as i see
as most Zen koans are taken from nature and something has extreme intelligence to have it so.
What do you think?
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Re: The Meaning of Life Posted on: 2005/2/23 18:40
Just popping in
2005/2/15 15:57
Posts: 18
Rationality will help us understand our world around us. The law of conservation of energy states that "matter cannot be created neither destroyed, it can only be transformed". This Law, states that whatever exists, always have existed, since you cannot create matter out of nothing.

In my experience, God is a soul. A soul who never takes bith in a body; therefore, He is beyond dualities and experiences that otherwise, we human beings have to go through. We (humans) our souls too, but we take a body.

A soul cannot create matter, becasue matter is not created. (law of conservation of energy).
God's task is to remind us who we are. In this world of dualism, we have forgotten our true nature. Therefore, we are body conscious (vices of greed, attachment, lust, ego and anger), rather than soul conscious (peaceful, blissful, loveful, knowledgeful).

Once we understand that the world has always existed and always will but this world will go through different changes, then we see that this is consistent with the law of conservation of energy. Viewing time as a cycle, we will see that time is eternal; time is change and movement but predestined.... as a matter of fact predestination in cyclical time means repetition. In other words, there is eternal recurrence... this note I wrote before, and I will write it again, once the cyle has completed turning; and I will do it again and again....for eternity.
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Re: The Meaning of Life Posted on: 2005/2/25 14:03
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2924
Ok i have a question for you then?
If in my life i have had many prophocies fufilled by me, how can they have been writen many years before they ocurred.
Is time only cyclindrical, if we look at it that it has always been then people wouldn't have seen the future?
If infinity is in question, does time even exsist or is it just a way to control events Ie 8th dimension is time created and can change with out us knowing as it would have always been like that.
I do hear where you are coming from, in fact i had this same conversasion with someone
Yet to look at time we must take our selfs out of only 4 dimensions and see that somthing on a subatomic level dosen't need time.
infinity can be looked at as a pool of cause and effect, if you chuck a pebble in a pool, it causes ripples
Yet if chosen from the higher dimensions does the pool exsist or is it only created to see what happens, when you chuck in the pebble?
Else how could so many prophets see the future and be correct?
Unless something out side of time can change a events so we see it as such?
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Re: The Meaning of Life Posted on: 2005/2/28 18:45
Just popping in
2005/2/15 15:57
Posts: 18
Plato said: " We don't learn, we remember". WE are souls. We have recorded all of our lives within us. This is how people can do regressions, it is just about remembering what we did in a previous life.. on the same token we can see the future too, even though it is harder to place our consciousness in something that we will experience rather than something that we recently had experienced. Because time is cyclical, I will exist again in the next cycle. Because all of our expereinces are recorded and because history and geography repeats identically, the second I am aware of a particular "scene" I will act accordingly. It is like playing a 45 RPM , the needle moves and I play the tune recorded in me.

To probe this, look, what I am writing right now. I would lie to you If I tell you that I am thinking word for word what I am writing... it just comes naturally, even without me thinking. How that happens? Once I am aware of the task, the needle moves and i play the tune... In the west we are not so fond on accepting 2 things: Time is predestined and repetitive and the fact that free will is an illusion "our decisions" are based on previous experiences (law of Karma) I will be "pulled" to act in a certain way... 99% of our choices are not rational... and out of the 1% , 50% of the "rational" desicions are wrong... the other 0.5% it was predestined to happen . We cannot control or know every single variable that moves the universe.. it is arrogance to believe that we can make a good desicion.. if it is in the drama of life , it will happen... otherwise it will not. We are like actors playing a role in this life, a unique role. when we get attached to this role, we suffer. We need to remember who we truly are: Souls having a bodily experience.. and expressing our roles.
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